'Girls, Girls, Girls' Lyric Video Released

We are facing catastrophic damage and flooding for days in coastal Texas because of Hurricane Harvey. If you're so inclined, you might consider donating a little money to the Red Cross for the relief efforts. I fear it's going to be really, really bad.
This is actually a worse scenario than yesterday w/tighter clustering of 4cast points. At least 5 days of rain over the same places! #Harvey
— Jim Cantore (@JimCantore) August 26, 2017
Now, on to the Saturday Glam: Motley Crue just released a new lyric video for "Girls, Girls, Girls." This is to celebrate the 30th anniversary reissue of that album. Did you buy it? Enjoy!
Reader Comments (8)
As for adding to Nikki's stacks-o-cash, no I didn't. Lol
If they're smart, they should have a lot of video to cobble together nearly the entire album with each song from a different venue through the years since they first started to perform the "Girls, Girls, Girls" tracks since1987.
I wonder who actually controls their business plan. Who actually pulls the strings on offerings like this. I would easily say Sixx. If so, were is the acumen? Where is the business savvy? Oh yeah, it is there: push out easy (already released) packages of stuff we already have. So they aren't charting a course for fans. They are squeezing out what they have always squeezed out since they gained control of their catalog.
Prediction: great stuff we want is waaaaaaaaay offffffff.