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'Girls, Girls, Girls' Lyric Video Released 

We are facing catastrophic damage and flooding for days in coastal Texas because of Hurricane Harvey. If you're so inclined, you might consider donating a little money to the Red Cross for the relief efforts. I fear it's going to be really, really bad.

Now, on to the Saturday Glam: Motley Crue just released a new lyric video for "Girls, Girls, Girls." This is to celebrate the 30th anniversary reissue of that album. Did you buy it? Enjoy!

Reader Comments (8)

Sadly I believe you're correct about Texas Allyson. Shit is about to get really ugly really quickly down there I'm afraid. I just hope everyone took the warnings seriously and got out of the area. Mother Nature wins every one of these battless folks in the New Orleans area found out.

As for adding to Nikki's stacks-o-cash, no I didn't. Lol
August 26, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterGary
No chance I'd by it. As far as a video, what's the point? I'm quite sure everyone already knows every word to that song, and if they don't, they are not true glam metal fans anyway.
August 26, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Well...I bought it in1987 on record and then on cassette shortly afterwards. Then I bought the re-master in 99' or 2000, so I didn't feel the need for shelling out anymore cash for the same record with no added bonus other than an interview dvd. Surely the have some live material that they could throw together from that era and add as an extra bonus. Find the lowest generation of a bootleg show from that tour that is of good quality and lift the audio from it, mix it somehow and release as a bonus disc. It would probably be far from perfect but a die hard fan would love it. Case in point, Girls tour from Oakland Coliseum 10-10-87. Check it out, it's on YouTube. Sounds pretty good, Vince actually sings and they have the back-up singers which they desperately need. You could take that show, video and audio, dress it up a little for a dvd and I'd buy that on the first day available. Why don't bands do this?
August 26, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJCD
Good point, JCD. I, too, would buy that in a heartbeat.

If they're smart, they should have a lot of video to cobble together nearly the entire album with each song from a different venue through the years since they first started to perform the "Girls, Girls, Girls" tracks since1987.
August 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
p.s. They could also fill it out the DVD with a few other hits when they came out pre-1987.
August 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Yep! A dvd with all the songs they played on tour from that recent album. Add a full show from the tour. Throw in some interviews from that era, maybe an interview from the producer and you have a proper bonus disc.
August 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJCD
I already own the album...if only they did offer a cool DVD with old/new interviews, recording, touring, show clips and extras, it'd be worth buying.
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDj
You'd almost think the band that "went out on top" would find a way to scrape the bottom of their catalog for something actual fans want. That sentence is a lesson-plan in irony, by the way.

I wonder who actually controls their business plan. Who actually pulls the strings on offerings like this. I would easily say Sixx. If so, were is the acumen? Where is the business savvy? Oh yeah, it is there: push out easy (already released) packages of stuff we already have. So they aren't charting a course for fans. They are squeezing out what they have always squeezed out since they gained control of their catalog.

Prediction: great stuff we want is waaaaaaaaay offffffff.
August 31, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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