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Sammy Hagar and the Circle - 'No Worries' Video

Sammy Hagar and the Circle have a new video out now for the song "No Worries." It is from the album Space Between. This is some great new rock music. Too bad most folks probably have no idea this band even exists, let alone the album!

I am home after my big European adventure. It was great to have a true break: I did not take a laptop with me and this was the first time I did not update the site with new posts since it launched in 2006. I do not remember the last time I traveled without a laptop - and it was glorious. I had no or spotty wifi and cellular service most of the time too. I could not get voice calls. I did not look at my work email. I dread going back to the office tomorrow. Seeing how folks live (and eat!) in Spain and Italy just makes me reflect on how much better things could be in America. We should focus more on gathering with friends, spend a little more time lingering over our meals and cooking fresh and quit eating all the processed junk shoved our way. As a vegetarian for decades I tend to naturally eat healthier than other folks, but we all have room to improve. Walking more and driving less wouldn't hurt, either.

Reader Comments (9)

Worrying about what others do is a huge pet peeve of mine. I think we should all just do ourselves and not worry with what anyone else is doing, unless it is negatively affecting your quality of life(and its been proven to do just that). For example, im a carnivore, but i don't think everyone has to be one. I love thrash metal but if you don't like thrash metal, and you prefer country, all the more power to ya! People are waaaaaay too worried about everyone else in 2019. I think European ppl should bathe more and shave more(esp under their arms lol). I think they should pay more attention to listening to the dentist but im fine with them doing them, and hope they are fine with the way i choose to live my life. People need to stay in their own lanes and not worry about everyone else!

Btw, the new Sammy Hagar is decent but not great. Hopefully we get some more Van Hagar in the not so distant future, they need each other very badly.
August 27, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Welcome Back! Enjoyed the retro posts, buuuut BBG is my morning ritual ya know? Glad you could take a break and enjoy!
August 27, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterTexjay
Welcome back Ally and I hope you had a glorious Birthday!!! Cant wait to hear about the trip!! All things Hagar make me HAPPY, but this post reminded me of Hakuna Matatta, my fave song from The Lion King!!!

Fyi, check out the new Phil Campbell, These Ole Boots! The SONG ROX!!!

I hope all are well in BBG land!! Life is short and throws us curveballs. Always remember to Live More & Love More!
August 27, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterKari
Bk is the man 😆

Oh and in Chicago this weekend
6 killed
23 wounded
Anyone keeping count?
August 27, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBadland
Ally, I literally fell in love with Europe when I was there last year. Life is WAY more laid back and family oriented there. Made this guy realize I pretty much worked away the best years of my kids lives, trying to give them "the American dream" I Managed to coach their teams and stay involved, but I about killed myself doing so. . I can't get that back. But you're more than young enough and I'm elated you've realized life isn't all about deadlines, reaching quotas, all in the name of making some asshat who doesnt even know your name and already has multi millions of dollars even more. It's not about trying to keep up by getting the huge house (and all the debt it comes with). It's about enjoying life and loved ones (and as my man Bk just pointed out), not giving a fiddlers f@ck what anyone thinks about it.

I like this song. Is it "Who do you love" with a different chorus? Sure. Who cares. It's a fun song, as most of Sammy's usually are. And that's a good thing.
August 27, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Fun song. Fit well on my cook-out playlist this summer.

Album is just ok. He and his band came around my parts recently but I had to miss the gig, but friends of mine who went said they were awesome.
August 27, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBasileus
@Kari ------------ YES Phil Campbell totally rips -- Love These Ole Boots I have it in heavy rotation!
August 28, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterShawn
Glad to hear you had a great vacation, Allyson.

Trips like yours provide perspective. They give you a chance to tune out and enjoy the things that day-to-day life distorts and warps. They provide you with a glimpse of another way of living, one that can't easily be replicated or imported or transferred (though there are obvious qualifications to that observation that cut both ways). At the same time, you also come back (at least I do) appreciating things you take for granted living here.

I find the process destabilizing. And that's a good thing . . . and another reason I do it as often as I can!

Looking forward to all the new posts and comments, though the retro stuff was fun to read.
August 29, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterHim
omg lol
August 29, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday

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