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M3 Rock Fest Officially Rescheduled

M3 Rock Fest will now be Labor Day weekend. The fest was originally set for the first weekend in May. Just a couple days ago I shared the tone deaf post from the organizers who promised to either hold the fest as planned or postpone. There was no way M3 was going to happen the first weekend in May. Heck, Virginia just locked down for another 9 weeks! RATT and Tyketto are off the bill now but Winger has been added. If you have tickets they will be valid for the Labor Day event.

Reader Comments (8)

Yeah, this was to be expected.

Too bad RATT can't make it. Winger is a nice addition, but I don't think it's in the same league. They should try to get Poison as a real replacement.

Where's all the posters at by the way? ;-)
March 31, 2020 | Unregistered Commentersteverox
I'm here, steverox! Not sure if you would call that a good or bad thing. I bet some are just dealing with life. Others have certainly strayed. Still others--and I know this for a fact--read but don't post that much (or at all) anymore. I hope we get more, and more, posters on here. Keeps things interesting.

While I have you, steverox, let me ask: when you compare Ratt's and Winger's catalogs, what are your thoughts? I think he (and the band) still sound great (and recall that I only came around later in life to Winger). Sure, never had the same sort of impact as Ratt back in the day. But their catalog has aged well. Just curious.
April 2, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I'm here!
April 2, 2020 | Unregistered Commentercrued
One thing I always liked about Winger was the tightness of the band- just one solid unit that always sounded good I think I saw them with Dokken and Cinderella --fuzzy memories..

Bob you out there anywhere miss ys buddy hope your doing well
April 2, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterShawn
Hahaha!!! I’m back, Boyz! In god s little backfill as I am posting days after you guys on here ...

Yeah, just been h*llish trying to keep my company afloat ... Hopefully emergency funding will be comin’ through soon ...

ACCEPT is the ONLY reason to go to this thing accept (see what I did there, Metaloids?) for Heavens Edge ...

Oh the comedy, HIM! Are you serious? RATT is SO vastly superior to Winger!

And, yeah, you guys are right! They really need RATT on the bill for this ... Or someone comparable ...

Without that, (whoever it would be) it’s pretty much of a yawner ... You’re right, steverox... POISON is the answer!
April 3, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Don't misquote me, Metalboy! Never said Ratt weren't. Just asking a question.

Appreciate the comment, Shawn. It took me awhile to get into them. But I think you are spot-on.
April 3, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Him, sorry for late reply!

In my opinion, RATT's catalogue is vastly superior to Winger. I have nothing against Winger, and certainly Kip is an amazingly talented musician (the guy was nominated for a classical Grammy so that's pretty fricking amazing), and Reb Beach was one of the premier shredders of the era, and is still doing his thing in a great guitar tandem with Joel Hoekstra in Whitesnake.

They got a bad rap when the 80's scene ended due to Beavis and Butthead, and even though I know the band took it in stride, it must have sucked for them at the time.

That said, I only have 3-4 Winger songs in my regular rotation. She's only Seventeen, Headed for a Heartbreak, Easy Come Easy Go, Miles Away. I never got into Pull. Last time I saw them was at M3 I believe, and Kip's voice was still in good shape so I would definitely go see them today. And at least you'll still see the original lineup I believe, so that's pretty cool.

I have at least a dozen RATT songs in regular rotation, and I'd say Round and Round, Back for More, Lay it Down and You're in Love are in my top 50 hair metal songs all time. For Winger, I guess Seventeen may be in there. Something about RATT has an enduring quality, the songs get better over time and multiple listens. I have that with a few bands, especially White Lion who I love more now than I ever did in the 80's.

Interestingly: something I believe I have read is that Reb Beach wrote the riff to Seventeen after hearing the riff to Lay it Down and wanting to write something cool like that. Don't quote me on that, but I don't think I'm making that up.

Hope everyone's doing well. As someone who goes to a lot of live shows, big and small, I really miss live music. A few bands have done facetime/youtube concerts but it's not the same. You miss the energy, the crowd, the smell, the sights, etc. I just hope we get back to some form of normalcy again later this year, and hopefully some of the big summer tours will still happen, but I'm not holding my breath unfortunately.
April 4, 2020 | Unregistered Commentersteverox
Thanks for the reply, steverox. I totally get your point . . . and I agree!

As a late convert to Winger, I gravitate to "Down Incognito" and then wander through the aisles of their aforementioned hits.

Ratt exist in another place entirely, as their music wove it's way into my headspace as part of my youthful soundtrack. Once there, it is hard to dislodge! I just wish they hadn't turned into a spinning stop sign at dysfunctional junction. I got to see them pretty close to point blank at Rock n' America years back. They were great. I said it on here before, Crane and Cavazo did the band proud. I also said it on here before, Pearcy was exactly what I expected (I got to watch them do an interview): affected, greasy yet somehow leathered, and a bit more full of himself that he should have been. In other words, a world class rock star with a bad case of LSD! But it worked on _Infestation_. Wish there had been a follow-up, even with the Pirate of Penzance Croucier seducing his bass and glam-line-dancing across the stage.

And I, too, miss the live music. I just want everyone to stay healthy so, when the concerts start again, we can all enjoy them together.
April 5, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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