'I Believe I’m Engaged To Bret Michaels and Texting Daily with Nikki Sixx'

The title of this post is an exact message that Heather sent me over Facebook yesterday. This came through during the workday, I glanced down and responded "What, now?" The explanation, obviously, is that a random woman believes she is in a relationship with Bret Michaels and has a deep friendship with Nikki Sixx and the entire situation will be hashed out on Dr. Phil, airing later today. Of course this is a catfish situation. Also - obviously - Nikki Sixx and Bret Michaels make appearances on the talk show.
I have no idea how the episode turns out but my hunch is both Nikki and Bret leave nice video messages for the wayward woman.
I do not watch daytime television but I have seen an episode of Dr. Phil before, probably back when the show began. Actually, I have not watched any talk show in at least a decade. Still, I must admit I am oddly fascinated by today's show premise and maybe I will watch a segment if it is posted on YouTube for later viewing.
Watch the episode with Nikki and Bret today on Dr. Phil - check your local listings for times. If you click the link, you can watch a preview of the show.
Dr. Phil got his start through Oprah... and apparently Bret Michaels just did an episode of Oprah's show on the OWN Network. So there's that - our glam heroes are officially on the talk show circuit now.
Need some #TuesdayThoughts? Revisit Bret Michaels’ episode of @Oprah @OWNTV #Lifeclass @ https://t.co/3CUQ8Gujoi - Team https://t.co/V2DjDLBMVE pic.twitter.com/pqCTvJxlR9
— Bret Michaels (@bretmichaels) January 26, 2021
Reader Comments (11)
Great to be back, Boyz & Girlz!!!
Missed being on here and SO glad to be in touch with my Metal Friendz!
Just got SO slammed with work and other stuff and now SO glad I have found myself back on the BBG! Boards Again!
Now that all things COVID seem to be looking up since we finally have a comprehensive national plan, in the words of SAXON, “We’ll be rockin’ again, ROCKIN’ AGAIN!!!” soon!
I wish people would stop calling him 'Dr.' Phil. Then again, a show just called Phil doesn't have the same pizzazz. I mean, you know: Oprah, Maury, etc., etc.
I still think back on those early days when a guy was able to pass himself off as Peter Criss and then got slammed for it on another non-Dr. Phil's show. The names Donahue; Phil Donahue. Back in those golden days, you had to pick the easiest con, the least known 'star', because, well, because better known stars were too difficult to pull off. Nowadays? Everyone can be whoever they want, cat-fishing their way into the hearts and pockets of drooling dupes depressed enough to be deceived.
Nice to see you back, Metalboy!
here are a few clips about this nut..
A clip from Brett https://www.drphil.com/videos/woman-claims-someone-claiming-to-be-nikki-sixx-asked-her-for-money/
'yea it's me... I stomp in my room too...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH03SJjed-k