Farewell Charlie Watts

It wasn't very long ago that I posted my wish to see The Rolling Stones live. Watts was already off the current tour because of an unnamed health issue. To say Watts was (is!) an icon is an incredibly large understatement. It's been a brutal year for rock musicians as we've lost so many. This news just makes me sad.
Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts, the unassuming son of a truck driver and a reluctant rock and roll star, dies at 80 https://t.co/Pn8TXvXk7c
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) August 24, 2021
"It's supposed to be sex and drugs and rock and roll... I'm not really like that"
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) August 24, 2021
How Rolling Stones' Charlie Watts, who has died aged 80, described his time with the bandhttps://t.co/YaVd2Y2UBC

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