The Best Rock Videos Of 1998 - Day 3

Back in 1998, Lenny Kravitz released the album simply titled 5. On it was one of his biggest hits "Fly Away." He won a Grammy for the track, too. When the video for "Fly Away" came out, I was a freshman in college, enjoying my first semester. I was pretty sure the video of Lenny's club show was what all my future college parties would be like. (They weren't!) The song still brings me good memories each time I hear it.
BONUS hip hop video of the day: Beastie Boys with "Intergalatic"
Lenny Kravitz

Reader Comments (2)
The Beastie Boys were always a bit too sophomoric for me (though including King in their ode to frat parties and hazing was met with a slow nod) . . . and that is saying something (about me, not them) when I also like hair metal!!!! Thing is, I really enjoyed _Paul's Boutique_, as I thought that was a very creative turn from their earlier stuff . . . and then I just kinda' lost interest. "Intergalactic" was everywhere for a spell, so of course I heard it. And I dug it, esp. the non-radio version with the sly nod to Rachmaninoff'. No doubt a creative bunch of fellows.