Steel Panther, '1987' - New Video

So this song made me literally laugh out loud. Steel Panther has a video for their track "1987" from the upcoming album On The Prowl, which is also just a badass title for a glam album with a cat theme.
Honestly, this is the best Steel Panther song in years. Great guitar solo around the 2:50 mark too.
"1987, you're always gonna be the best!"
Steel Panther announced a tour this morning too... and Tragedy will provide support! You might recall I've mentioned Tragedy before - it's an all metal tribute to the Bee Gees, so hell yes! Tickets on sale Friday.

Reader Comments (6)
I`ll be there to see them in Atlanta in March!
I even found the line about 'Dave and Eddie' oddly touching. And the Dokken line made me laugh.
Guys, stick to this sort of stuff. If you do, you keep the fans you have and might even garner a few new ones.
And I totally get the homage vs. parody thing. But it is a tricky line to walk. I am curious, though: did you like/have you listened to "The Burden of Being Wonderful"? To me, that is one of their better songs, and it is--to me, at least--a homage.
I also think that SP gets undue negative attention for being so sophomoric as a concept, when in reality their earlier releases showed some range (within the confines of what is, to be fair, a limited spectrum). Thing is, the media draw on them almost always went for the clicks . . . and those clicks, almost always, highlighted the parodic aspects of (some) of their songs and most certainly their stage show and banter.
Then again, to each their own. And we all own opinions which we are always free to change.
Sorry, I don't think I'll ever be convinced. Again, just my opinion.