Hair Metal's Heaviest Riff?

This is actually a really damn good list. A guy who posts as The Art of Guitar on Facebook and YouTube created a list of his picks for the heaviest riffs in hair metal. He plays each song, too!
Some of the selections include Whitesnake's "Still of the Night" and Slaughter's "Take Me Away." Of course, Skid Row's "Slave To The Grind" is included. Shotgun Messiah makes an appearance and so does Dokken. Give it a play and let me know what you think.
Shotgun Messiah,
Skid Row,

Reader Comments (6)
"Decadence Dance," by Extreme
"Don't De-Rock Me," by Tesla
"High Wire," by Bandlands
"Walkin' Shoes," by Tora Tora
"So Damn Cool," by Ugly Kid Joe
"Lady Of The Valley," by White Lion
"In The Fire," by Hurricane
Nice that he gave a nod to Shotgun. And you can't go wrong with Mr. Scary (loved that guitar when I was a yoot!). When I think of heavy riffs, I don't necessarily think of Sambora, so that made me go back and listen to a few of his songs with 'that' band. Lep has a lot of riffs, and a lot of heavier ones back in the day. At one point, LepSnake ruled! Nuff sed. I think there are some early songs from Crue with better riffs. But what do I know? I can't play! Skid with "SttG"?!?!? Heavy as hell. With the Winger one (a band I grew to love) it dawned on me that some of these songs are aided by how he plays them. "Down Incognito" isn't bad either. Ratt's "LoC" is one their most poignant songs. I kid. It is straight-ahead rock! The Poison and Slaughter ones felt a bit like a reach to me. Warrant? Less so.
I like Gogmagog's suggestions. My additions (you can pick your favorites):
Most anything by Bratta (save the syrupy stuff).
Ozzy . . . because of Rhoads, Lee, and Wylde. And not because of Ozzy!
Vivian Campbell in Dio.
Again, that was fun. Who doesn't like a tasty riff?
Ozzy: demon alcohol
Tesla - "Solution" should be on whatever list we are making :) Metalboy! approved
Now we can change or stay the same,
one's the answer and the next insane
Solution is a world of change
If we're gonna make it through tomorrow
The solution is to make a change today.
I wish Slaughter would do some more work in the range of Take me away- I think it would be well received. I also agree with Gogmagog on his choices - some nice heavyness especially Highwire!