Farewell, iPod

Eric got me the big, fancy one with the silver back for Christmas one year. I loaded it up with so many songs - and I still have it! Basically every glam band ever is on that iPod. I haven't used it in forever because I just stream Amazon Music from my phone, but it was so handy to have all those songs at the touch of a spin. It made workouts and traveling way more awesome and made digital music the platform of choice for most. The technology also helped kill the full album, since purchasing songs as one-offs really became big with the iPod.
The last model available is the iPod Touch and Apple will keep selling them until shelves are bare - so get shopping if you want one!
The iPod news called for a nostalgic journey to the decade of white earbuds & dancing silhouettes.
— Tripp Mickle (@trippmickle) May 10, 2022
iPod changed Apple. Or as someone else put it: With the iPod, Apple "showed the world they had an atomic bomb, and 5 yrs later they had a nuclear arsenal"https://t.co/FZpC8TaBiW
Apple says it is discontinuing production of the last iPod model it still sells -- the iPod Touch -- effectively bringing an end to the iconic product line that helped usher in a new era for the music industry and the tech giant. https://t.co/YUcemFShG3
— CNN (@CNN) May 10, 2022
Reader Comments (4)
It took me a long time to write that, as I was choking back tears (and laughter).
I truly wish someone came up with a good player that played MP3 and MP4 files, as I am one who still likes these sorts of devices (as I won't pay for data to stream music while I am walking from my tent to the soup kitchen).
And, by the way, when is creating a walled garden a thing to celebrate? Oh, yeah, when it is Apple. Why? Because it won't fall from the tree . . . EVER!