35 Years Ago Today

In some ways it feels like Guns n' Roses debut was released yesterday. The songs from Appetite have bene played into the ground around the world and yet they still feel fresh and timeless. That's because the album was one of those "lightning in a bottle" moments that happen once in a lifetime. I was so young when the album was first released that I didn't get to grasp the full importance of the band or the work. By the time the Use Your Illusion albums hit stores, I got it quite well. I was a full-on MTV addict by that point and everyone understood how important GnR was to MTV. These memories never get old.
35 years ago today, Guns N' Roses released their legendary debut, “Appetite For Destruction.” Click below to read the full story behind each track, in the words of Axl, Slash, Izzy, and Duff.https://t.co/URLuBJEW6z
— uDiscover Music (@uDiscoverMusic) July 21, 2022
Appetite For Destruction is 35 🔥 What's your favorite track off the album?https://t.co/8EgO4BsDoN pic.twitter.com/IIdrXUoFSY
— Guns N' Roses (@gunsnroses) July 21, 2022

Reader Comments (3)
Then came infamous show at The Ritz which was aired on MTV. Still have that on videotape. That show is a marker for a young band that was just picking up steam. And boy did they take off. Proud to have been an early adopter of gnr. Got AFD in August of ‘87. Lies was a good EP. Everything after is over produced average stuff IMO. And that’s ok