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Def Leppard Performs On CNN For Independence Day

Def Leppard was featured on CNN's live Fourth of July celebration last night. For the program, the Leps did "Pour Some Sugar On Me" and "Rock of Ages." The music played as a backdrop to the New York City fireworks.

Last night was not a stop for The Stadium Tour, so the "live" performance was either from an earlier gig or a special one-off show by the Leps. Considering the logistics of that, I'd say the songs were recorded during an earlier stop of the tour. Regardless, it was fun watching the band on TV.

Reader Comments (1)

Proves the Brits aren't poor losers . . . or does it?

Perhaps it proves that Def Lep understood America . .. esp. under the round, no less in the round. Who can resist the charms of a Kentucky Waterfall, acid-washed jeans, and a British accent? Don't even get me started on a Union Jack half-shirt with no sleeves (there was another name for this sort of shirt that I can't use anymore).
July 7, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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