'Songs Of White Lion' -- Album Out Now

Mike Tramp has a new album called Songs of White Lion via Frontiers. The album came out April 14.
I was surprised to see a review of the new album by the Associated Press. Unfortunately, the AP reviewer doesn't seem too impressed with the work.
"That's the problem with this album, in which Mike Tramp, the former singer of White Lion, re-records some of the hair metal heroes' greatest hits. On the one hand, this is some of the finest music of the genre, and it's great to have these songs back in circulation. On the other hand, Tramp is now 62, and the voice that powered hits like 'Tell Me,' 'Wait,' 'Little Fighter' and 'When The Children Cry' is just not there anymore.
To his credit, Tramp doesn't reach for what's not available. But singing these high-energy hits an octave lower robs them of a good deal of their energy and immediacy."
To be fair, Parry is right that the songs were not written for a lower octave. They were high and hard to perform for a reason: to show off Tramp's abilities and sell records.
I haven't had time to go through the whole album myself to determine if the review is fair or not. The review from Classic Rock / Louder Sound is more favorable, which definitely makes me want to give the record a spin.

Reader Comments (5)
On the one hand, good for Tramp giving these classics a new spin, updated and down-tuned to fit his vocals (and, to be fair, his style of music for many recent years). And I have both applauded and criticized his recent output on this site. But I wish him well. He had, and has, a unique voice. To this day, it still stands out.
On the other hand, what gives? Tramps seems incapable of letting his past go. His squabbles with Bratta are well known. Their rekindled friendship is also now known . . . because Tramp speaks about it every chance he gets! You tried out doing a reboot of WL years back. It didn't work. You also, according to you, hurt Bratta's feelings. So, you took a step back. Now you release this? On Frontiers of all labels?!?!?
Here's my middle path: pursue your current dream, and sprinkle a few WL nuggets into the mix, in the voice and key you find suited to where you are right now. But stop with the affected ambivalence. Just say it: WL is that for which I am known. It pays my bills. I released this as a reminder to others (no less myself) that my time in WL is that for which I will be remembered. So, I augment my solo stuff by routinely going back to WL. I am stuck in a place where my solo stuff is just enough to make ends meet. So this gets me a bit more traction, while I still follow my current musical leanings.
Tramp. I get it. You have a legacy that is great and is also a burden. Best you stop this now and get away from Frontiers. If you are truly Bratta's friend, this can't feel right or good or proper.
One minor quibble: bkallday, this is not, in any sense, a suggestion of AOR. Not one. This is an older singer doing an older singer's take on once vital songs that were, then and now, never considered AOR. Just saying.
I can sing that song in 5, 4, 3...