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Motley Crue Will Headline NFL Draft Concert Series

The NFL Draft starts next Thursday so bring on the football!

Fall Out Boy will headline Thursday night. Motley Crue will headline Friday and Thundercat will perform Saturday. You can stream the full concerts free via links in the post below. A little bit will be shown on TV, but not much if history is any indication.

The concerts start at the conclusion of the draft each night - so they start late.

Reader Comments (6)

Guess they don’t care too much about Mick’s absence? 🤷🏻‍♂️
April 20, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
But god forbid the almighty NFL allow a rock or metal band play halftime of the Super Bowl
April 20, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Is this an honor or something?!?! I mean, cool. They are rubbing shoulders with Fall Out Boy (I always imagine a horribly disfigured kid after a nuke drops) and Thundercat (but which one? Cheetara? Snarf? Pumyra? And are they possessed to skate?).

Jeff, you are right. But MC did get to help sell Kias at the Super Bowl. So that is pretty darn cool right? I mean, Kia = metal!!! And do you really think that, should they decide to allow a metal band to perform, it would actually be a good one? "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage . . . DJ Asshat . . . (long pause) and Thundercat!!!"

Bkallday, we've gone back and forth on all of this recently. And you and I are good. But I will say this (and you can catch my tone even if this is typed): Miss Mick? Of course not! And therein, perhaps, lies the problem. I mean, after going out on top and then coming back on top, how can they do anything but be a top? Giggle.

Enough of all this. I am going to focus on something more productive. Like getting a truly legendary metal band to play at the Roady's Humanitarian Bowl, or perhaps the PBA World Championship.

Priorities, people. Priorities!
April 21, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Quite the event indeed. Enjoy a beer from sponsor; Bud Light and rock out without your coq out. A once free event for fans is now commercialized. Are you ready for some football?!?!?!

Him. Never thought of FOB in that way. Thanks! From now on I’ll think of a Ukrainian kid post Chernobyl
April 21, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
It’s ok Him, Mick’s arena tour starts up soon. That’s what I really wanna see! 🤘🏼
April 21, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
I provide the optics, Kixchix, and you supply the visuals! Hope you are well.

Bkallday, I will bring some drinks and sandwiches. Why? I think you and I will be waiting a loooooooooog time for that to happen! Hope you are well, as well. Oh wait. Did you mean to say 'area' tour? If so, I still will bring the drinks and sandwiches!
April 22, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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