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Slaughter Live Review - J.D. Legends, August 25, 2023

Happy birthday to Eric! We're just rolling through middle age and enjoying some Glam.

As I posted yesterday, we went to see Slaughter at J.D. Legends in Franklin, Ohio. The opener was a Cincinnati cover act called Guilty Pleasure.

First off, it really was like standing in an oven (filled with sand). It felt better outside when the sun went down of course, but it just was crazy sticky. Second, there was just hardly anyone at the show. Friday at the end of August in Ohio means high school football and I know that had an impact. If you have a kid playing, cheering or in the marching band - chances are you are going to choose to see them in action versus going to a show. Plus, the aforementioned heat didn't help I'm sure. Tickets were $35 but dropped to $20 day of show (yes, I paid full price months ago). I am guessing there was probably 300 people in attendance. I know it was easy for me to walk right up to where the VIP barrier started and then wander away with no issues.

The sound wasn't great - it was very "hot" and needed potted down a notch or three. Guilty Pleasure were really fun! They did covers of L.A. Guns, Motley Crue and even Faster Pussycat! We had a good time singing along for sure. The band played for about an hour and I would like to see them again. It was the first time I had ever seen them perform and they won me over.

Slaughter played for a little over an hour - again, sound was bad. It is what it is with outdoor venues sometimes. Mark Slaughter's voice sounded much better than I remembered, even through the garbled mix. He was definitely having a better night and the band was tight like always. Slaughter opened with "Mad About You" and "Burnin' Bridges" as they typically do. It seemed like Mark was playing more guitar than in years past, which was fun to see. There was a cover of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" and of course "Desperately," "Fly To The Angels" and "Up All Night."

As you know, "Fly To The Angels" has impossibly high notes. Smartly, the band now has the lyrics to that hunk of the song on a screen behind the drum kit - and Mark just asks the crowd to sing. It worked and I liked it.

There seemed to be a big merch table, but I didn't really stop to look or buy. Concert shirts are kryptonite to me - so it is better if I don't even give myself the chance to shop. I have so many band shirts as it is. (Okay, I also have a fetish for purses, anything with rhinestones and Cincinnati Bengals merchandise. I am weak!)

All in all, it was a great night with good music, good Tequila and good people.

Reader Comments (10)

Imagine doing your best and retard says, "Well, "his voice was shot
August 26, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Thanks for the review, Allyson. Glad it was a great evening, all things (including heat) considered. Also cool to hear that Slaughter is singing with what he has these days and opening other parts up to the crowd. Smart move.

And nice to hear that the opener was a fun cover band. When done right, there is nothing wrong with that at all. Heck, I am going to see two cover bands in a few weeks. I won't say which ones, as I would prefer not to get pilloried on here! Trust, though, that they ain't metal ones! Ah, what the heck; hint: you should be dancing forever in blue jeans.

Fletch, if I am to interpret your post and step around one of your 'fun' words, I see your point. But some singers voices are shot. Period. Gone. So, they are open to some criticism methinks. And I write that full well knowing that, as a fan, I still defend the entertainment value of Mssrs. Dokken and Roth. But should they be beyond criticism? Hell no. And notice also that I stepped around one other singer, who I don't really care for much these days, who also has a shot voice that should be open to criticism as well.

Have a good Sunday everyone!
August 27, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Why does Allyson keep letting that fletch troll ruin this site. Please block that fool. All he is doing is embarrassing Allyson by making a mockery of her awesome website. I always try to get my Glam Metal loving friends to support Bringbackglam but they instantly bring up that troll fletch and how off putting he is. Please block him, you are doing yourself a disservice by letting him breathe freely on here. You deserve so much better Allyson.
August 27, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterCasey Calvert
Strongly disagree Casey. I don’t agree with Allyson on most things but the thing I like and respect most about this website is the fact that she lets ppl freely speak their minds, even if she may staunchly disagree. Which in my opinion, in this day and time, is extremely respectful & also appreciated. If you’re looking for a site that will cancel & censor, maybe this just isn’t the right one for you?
August 27, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
I speak your name Casey. Anything you can do to get me banned (again) will be welcome.

I'll creep back on here in a year or two (or whenever Al decides to let me back on) and see how influential the glam world is then.

If I can do anything more to annoy you and your Glam Metal loving friends, please let me know.

As David Lee said about how he comes up with verses, lyrics and melodies, "When the brothers go right, I take a sharp left".

Leave me out of this bk, you silly fool.
August 28, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
But hey, Casey, at least you spelled my moniker correctly. Props
August 28, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Hey now crazy, I didn’t even mention you.
August 28, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Let's, go crazy....if it weren't for me. MB disagrees
August 30, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Exactly the same thing with Pretty Boy.

If it wasn't me constantly.

August 30, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
I'm late to this part of the party. So I understand if I get no nods or posts. But . . .

Casey Calvert, do you post here often? I assume that you view this site a lot. And I am also assuming, for the purposes of this post, that you are not a new version of a regular poster (which happens).

The reason I ask and state those things above is rather simple: if you love this site and love what Allyson brings to the table, then you should shout it to the rooftops!!! How? By posting. Ditto those 'loving friends' of which you speak. How else to support Allyson and BBG!? Get involved by, well, getting involved.

I also agree with Bkallday . . . on this. The beauty of this site is that it can, and does, provide a lot of interesting factoids, ideas, and arguments. And it is free from needless restrictions. Granted, Allyson can, and has, shut down comments when things got odd. But that is her right and she is free to do so. But, otherwise, she handles things with a rather loose leash. I appreciate that.

I also understand that posting here means you might, just might, have to defend your position. But that isn't a bad thing, is it? I mean, Bkallday and I go at it every other post. And then we find points of agreement. And I sometimes lean in on people who only seem to be here to promote themselves or their products. What happens? They either keep showing up or they go silent (hint: most were just here to promote their products). Fair enough.

It is also the case that we have unique posters with unique ideas that sometimes (to my mind) suggest unique problems. If this is their outlet, so be it. But so, too, will it be the case that I will call them out and ask them what the hell is going on? Not always tactfully, mind you. And also with an eye to the fact that some of their posts (and some of the other posts) are just trolling trolls trolling for the sake of trolling. All I can offer is this: as Him, I have never said a single thing on this site that I didn't believe at the time. And, when wrong, I have owned that.

It is also the case that this place has become more and more of an echo chamber. Which is sad. A few of us post regularly. But there was a time, not too long ago, when there was much more chatter, many more views, and a lot more ideas shared. I miss those days. Heck, I would stop posting if that meant there were more posts. I mean that.

So, Casey, you are at bat. What are you going to do? What are your friends going to do? Rather than ask for others to be silent, why don't you take a stand and keep posting?

The answer to problematic talk is, to me, more talk. And I thank Allyson almost every day for providing this site to us. People, if you are reading . . . post. And if you know those who aren't reading . . . turn them on to this site.
August 31, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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