An Odd Night with Pretty Boy Floyd

I love Halloween.
Every year, I try to think of fun costumes and I have a rule about never repeating ideas. Last night, Pretty Boy Floyd played a "Halloween" party right here in Dayton, Ohio.
Of course, about five people wore costumes including me, Eric, and Heather. Adults who attend Halloween parties and refuse to dress-up are just lame. There is nothing shameful about having some fun one night a year.
Anyway, instead of going as individuals we dressed as a theme: "Catholic Mockery." In addition to our fabulous ensembles, some guy dressed as a penguin, and a couple bartenders decided to show up to work naked. The penguin won the costume contest.
So, there was no one in the club at all last night to see Pretty Boy Floyd. Time kept on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future and still no one came. I suppose everyone was at other Halloween parties, but I had high hopes for last night. That should have been my first clue: whenever I have high hopes, the evening usually goes down the toilet.
The other day, I interviewed Pretty Boy Floyd bassist Mikki Twist over the phone. Right after that conversation, he asked me to interview Steve "Sex" Summers at the show. Those interviews will post later this week on Bring Back Glam!
My conversation with Steve Summers was just alright. He wasn't very forthcoming with his answers. To his defense, it was exceptionally loud in the back room - er, closet - we were shoved into.
During the show, Pretty Boy Floyd performed:
Your Momma Won't Know
Toast of the Town
Leather Boyz with Electric Toyz
Rock n' Roll (Is Gonna Set the Night On Fire)
I Wanna Be With You
Live Wire
Shut Up
Rock n' Roll Outlaws
Live Hard, Live Fast
Wild Angels
48 Hours
Junkie GirlThe performance wasn't spectacular but I'll cut Scotti D (drums), Mikki Twist (bass) and Davey Lister (guitar) some slack: they had just learned about the death of a good friend, Pat Bush. I believe he played bass for Virginia- based Twist of Faite. During "Wild Angels" crazy Scotti cried and that was more than a little disarming. I didn't appreciate the negative comments from Steve Summers. Spewing from the stage is both unnecessary and unprofessional. I understand it was probably lame to play for 19 people. Still, all 19 of us paid our cover and expected a good show.
Just reading the set list, you can see the show wasn't very long. The list taken from the stage actually indicates Pretty Boy Floyd planned on ending with "Talk Dirty to Me." Instead, all the band members just sort of wandered off the stage after "Junkie Girl." It was during this song that Kenny Ozz of Drugstore Valentine took the stage to sing with the band. This seemed to make him awfully happy. While it was nice watching a familiar face on stage, it was an odd way to end a show. Then again, the entire night was just...odd.
Reader Comments (12)
Frankly it sounds like you were holding back in your review my dear Allyson. Doesn't even sound like the show was "alright" sounds like it totally BLEW. But hey I mean no disrespect to the band LOL.
Keep rocking!!!!
Now, speaking of Scotti, HE is a real entertainer. As many people can tell you, I have a soft spot for drummers anyway, but very few interact with the crowd the way he does. He is sort of mesmerizing to watch.
Mikki Twist and Davey Lister also do their part, of course.
And that brings us to Steve Summers. There's no disputing that he has a great voice. Having spent a few moments interacting with him, however, I'm not a fan. He spent some time spewing hatred from the stage, and disrespecting the "19" audience members who actually did pay to see him. He also insulted BBG, shortly after his interview. And while I understand the crowd was much smaller than expected, it would have been nice if they'd finished their set, and actually thanked the crowd who came out to see them, instead of just wandering off. They didn't even sing the last song.. they invited other band members to sing for them. A nice gesture, and it's always fun to see Kenny onstage, but not the way to END the set.
Also, I wonder who was in charge of promotions for that show? Obviously nobody.. or there would have been more than 19 people in the crowd. The flyer promised an appearance by "Rodeo" which never happened. It also promised games, fun, etc. Also none of that going on.
All in all, it was a strange night.. but I guess that's what Halloween is all about.
scotti d-pbf
Steve was the one that was complaining about the lack of crowd. I re-read my copy and I don't understand why you are confused. Poor Scotti did nothing wrong. He was upset over his friend.
I have the same VOJ design in a sweatshirt. It says "Don't Fuck With a Rockstar" on the back.
Also, no one at the show really knew about the death of their dear friend until the band announced it from the stage.
I didn't think that Scotti did anything wrong...A good friend or family member dies you grieve, understood. It was where you said...
"During "Wild Angels" crazy Scotti cried and that was more than a little disarming. I didn't appreciate the negative comments from Steve Summers."
I thought he ripped on SCOTTI and I was just at a loss. It must have just been me. I was retarded with anger if THAT had happened. I've never actually MET Scotti but have exchanged enough emails to know the guy is a straight up cat. If it was just Steve spewing crap at the crowd, well...guess that street goes both ways. There is always a couple of assholes in the crowd that pay to just through the middle finger to the band for no reason. I guess bands decide to do that once in a while unprovoked.
I had some people tell me that they still got paid so why be pissed. I'm not out of line here when I say this...the band is one of the few not asking for a huge guarantee (far from it), so they need merch sales to make some cash. With 19 in the crowd it's tough for sure, so he was probably frustrated there. Not to mention they've gotten stiffed recently on getting paid at a venue or two. WHICH totally blows! When I worked with bands back in the day, I can remember places getting just totally destroyed for lack of funds to the bands hahahaha.
Contrary to what is said on SLUDGE and the lines they draw, this band doesn't seem like a bunch of Prima Donnas...again perhaps it was just a 'strange' occurance, unfortunately for you all.
As for the Roedeo appearance...I got word a while back that she wasn't doing ANY of the scheduled appearances in Ohio, PA, etc. Seems not many promoters took THAT off their flyers or let the fans know...bad business move there. I feel a little less adgitated. Glad the