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Entries in Covid-19 (27)


Aerosmith Cancel European Tour; Blame Pandemic

Aerosmith was supposed to do a rescheduled European tour this summer. Late yesterday, the band cancelled that tour citing pandemic concerns. There's no doubt the pandemic continues. The Omicron spike of COVID-19 has hit just about every major country in the world pretty hard... but summer is months away. Of course a major tour takes a lot of money and planning, so I understand having to make decisions in advance, but this just seems... suspect. Reading comments online, most folks seem to agree this cancellation is more a result of Aerosmith not wanting to tour anymore period, and less about controlling disease spread. At any rate, it sucks. At this point, I don't think Aerosmith will ever do a proper tour again. I'm glad I saw them live a few times while I had the chance.


Saxon, 'Remember The Fallen' -- New Video

From the new album Carpe Diem, Saxon has released a video for their song "Remember The Fallen." The track is about the ones we've lost from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is powerful stuff. A great song about a horrible situation.


Grammy Awards Postponed

Once again, the Grammy Awards have been postponed because of COVID-19. The awards show didn't happen last year because of the pandemic either. Back then, few folks were vaccinated. This time around, Omicron is basically infecting everyone that goes into public places. The show and awards presentation was scheduled for January 31. The show will go on during a future date this year.


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 52, 2021 (Finale!)

We made it through all 52 weeks of 2021. That's 52 Sunday news roundup posts. I'm proud of being able to keep up with this during the year. Going forward in 2022, we will focus on something new each Sunday. I am not quite sure what yet. Check back next Sunday to find out!

What a final week of the year it was. Deaths and COVID-19 and horrible wildfires in Colorado dominated the news.

As many as 1,000 homes were destroyed by freak wildfires because of 100 mph winds around Boulder, Colorado earlier this week. Three people are still missing. 

The pandemic continues, and what a shitshow it is! The CDC urged folks to not cruise at all right now (no kidding). Hell, I have a cruise to Greece booked for October. The way things are going I'm beginning to wonder if it will happen or not. This is the same trip I tried to take back in 2020. Obviously that didn't happen! I was on one of the very last cruises in February 2020 before the complete shutdown. People were just really starting to pay attention to the coronavirus then. Each night of the cruise, I would use my internet package to check in on the Diamond Princess debacle. Eric and I started being very cautious during our trip. We don't do buffets anyway, but we made sure to avoid any congregate dining options period. I always travel with Lysol wipes and I had actually packed masks before that was a "thing." I remember seeing masks on our flight home and thought "this is real now."

Speaking of the CDC... the powers-that-be created even more pandemic confusion by changing the isolation rules for folks who are positive but asymptomatic. Basically, it's back to work in a mask after day 5 if positive but no symptoms. Still stay home if you are symptomatic, please!



Democratic political genius Harry Reid died a few days ago. He had pancreatic cancer, but also battled other illnesses in recent years. He didn't take crap from anyone and knew how to run a political machine. He grew up dirt poor and one interview I will never forget is when he talked about taking a gas station job to save up money to buy his mother some "new teeth." She was in hit in the face with a softball when young and her teeth fell out over time. There was never money to get them fixed until Reid stepped in.

And I leave you with this - help if you are so inclined.


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 51, 2021

I hope everyone had a nice holiday yesterday and happy Kwanzaa to those who celebrate! A short news roundup today, simply because I didn't follow many stories last week. I was just too busy with work and getting ready for Christmas.

Some breaking news today - Desmond Tutu has died. He was a pioneer in the fight against apartheid. The world will miss him.

For the first time in two decades, no troops were deployed during Christmas because of war in Afghanistan. Thanks Biden. Thanks Trump.

The U.S. economy grew more than expected in the third quarter.

Cases of COVID-19 Omicron are exploding across the world. When you go into an indoor public place, wear a mask, but choose a better one than handmade cloth. Get an n95 or kn95.

And I leave you with this - shut up and take my money!


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 49, 2021

We're rounding the corner to the end of the year. This past week had lots of crazy news. The saddest news has to be the horrible tornado outbreak overnight Friday into Saturday. December tornadoes are rare but they do happen. Of course, tornadoes don't usually cross into four states, causing mass destruction everywhere. Mayfield, Kentucky took the brunt of the devastation. This video shows the town just leveled:





Some nut set fire to the Fox News Christmas tree. Fox anchors freaked out and were a little over the top about it (the tree is not a symbol of freedom or Hanukkah) but the act of arson still sucks!


The COVID-19 Omicron variant is spreading fast and will become the dominant variant in Europe as soon as this coming week. Get your booster if you haven't already.




Sleep is one of the most important components of overall health. If you don't prioritize sleep, I suggest you make changes to do so. If I don't get enough sleep, I have trouble focusing on work, running well and am just irritable. Good sleep makes me function better overall and hate people less. Extra points if you can get your cat to sleep at the foot of the bed with you too!


In the "turnabout's fair play" column, this from California:



And I leave you with this:



News Of The Week Roundup: Week 48, 2021

Some breaking news today: Bob Dole has died. The 98 year old former Republican Senator lead a long life with a pretty big political career. He was the 1996 Republican presidential nominee.



Here's some fresh hell: just what the world needs. More Russian warmongering.


The Omicron COVID-19 variant continues to spread. It's been positively identified in most U.S. states at this point and other major western nations, so it's pretty safe to assume it's everywhere with any significant population by now. Big group events still seem to lead to many infections. Who knew?



Another school shooting in America, this time in Michigan. Ethan Crumbley allegedly killed four classmates and injured others. He surrendered alive and is now in jail. His parents bought him a gun, despite calls from Ethan's school about troubling behavior. Then the parents fled and caused a manhunt and they are in jail too. Such a sad and odd story.



I leave you this - and note His Royal Highness is absolutely correct here:


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