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Entries from August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021


From Bret Michaels: Use Sunblock

A nice PSA from Bret Michaels: always use sunblock and get your skin checked regularly. It is August, so that means it is hot in a whole lot of parts of the world so you are probably prepared to use sunblock and a hat. It is just as important to use sunblock in the winter, especially if you will be outside for an extended amount of time.

It seems like Bret has a lot of health issues, his diabetes aside. I'm glad his skin cancer was caught early.


Wanna Feel Really Old?

Everclear is doing a special concert for... AARP. Kill me now.

For a little refresher - Everclear formed in 1991. They got really big toward the late nineties (when I was graduating high school). AARP is a nonpartisan advocacy group for Americans age 50 and older. Think good advice and senior discounts. Their magazine is no joke - it's really good journalism. Still, most people do not relish the day their AARP card arrives in the mail. Kudos to Everclear for booking this show I guess.


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 31, 2021

I started PT for my shoulder this week and things are looking up! Just (at least) 8 more weeks to go!

There was a lot of news last week - it was kind of hard to keep up with it all. I'm in the middle of a big work project too, plus Big Brother is ongoing so I have to keep up with the game via the live feeds.

First off, this is a thing apparently. TikTok is just ridiculous, I swear.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is embroiled in a massive scandal involving allegations of sexual assault. Something like 11 women have accused him of inappropriate conduct at this point. He should resign but is refusing to do so. The Democratic state legislature is going to impeach him.

The Delta variant means COVID-19 is surging in America again. The good news is that more folks in the southern states are finally getting vaccinated. The bad news is that it will take weeks to get out of the Delta mess we're in. Also, masks are coming back in lots of places and stuff is getting canceled again. It didn't have to be this way.

Happy International Cat Day!

And I leave you with this:


Caption This Photo From Eddie Trunk

Broadcaster Eddie Trunk shared a photo of himself with Vince Neil and Sammy Hagar on Friday night. The duo did a private event together. What is Eddie doing here?!?


Guns n' Roses Release New Track

Happy Friday - Guns n' Roses have blessed us with a new track. It's actually a piece that Axl Rose has been working on for quite some time but now it is done and recorded and yes, it features Slash and Duff McKagan and the rest of the current lineup. The song is called "Absurd" which is fitting for Guns these days. The song was previously "Silkworms" and was reworked to its current form. What do you think?


A Metallica Podcast Is Coming

I had my first physical therapy appointment for my shoulder today (see the latest News of the Week post if you don't know what I am referencing). It is totally weird not being able to lift my arm above my head - or out to my side. Or have no strength to lift anything. After the PT appointment, my arm was extra sore and typing = no bueno!

In music news - I am not a podcast person. That said, this special Metallica podcast event seems cool and I will check it out. Will you?


Glam Slam Festival Postponed Due To COVID-19

Weeks ago, I posted about the Glam Slam Festival in Belgium set for September 2021. The event has now been moved to 2022 because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Delta variant. An exact date for the rescheduled show has not yet been announced. Crashdiet was on the bill which really caught my eye. Stay tuned.