Step aside L.A. Guns... now there's two versions of Great White. And go ahead and file this one under the "I didn't see this coming."
So yesterday Jack Russell wrote a little letter, announcing his own version of Great White:
"To all my friends:
Just wanted to announce that I will be coming back with my band, GREAT WHITE, and a BRAND NEW lineup.
"My new bandmates are some of the most incredible musicians I have ever had the privilege to play with: Matthew Johnson, former guitarist for GREAT WHITE; Derrick Pontier, former drummer for GREAT WHITE; Dario Seixas, former bassist for FIREHOUSE and the Stephen Pearcy band; and Robby Lochner, former guitarist for Rob Halford's band and Cherie Currie.
"I am very excited about this new beginning.
"I am feeling better than ever, despite any rumors you may hear to the contrary.
"Unfortunately, and as confusing as it will be, my former bandmates and their manager have decided to continue to tour next year under the name I created, GREAT WHITE. I will be touring under the name GREAT WHITE FEATURING JACK RUSSELL to try avoid any confusion.
"So now the true fans will know the difference."
I just don't even know what to do with this information. I guess we'll be getting one of these versions at M3 this year... I mean, how can we not? I didn't think there was any friction between Great White and Jack... I even thought things were cordial between replacement singer Terry Ilous and Jack... but I guess not. Clearly something has gone down. Whatever the case, I wish all parties good luck. I just hope Jack is well enough to go back on the road. He's been recovering from surgery for months - and you don't mess with your health. Thoughts?