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Entries from December 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011


5 Years of Glam

I can't believe that I started this website on December 3, 2006 and now here we are, five years later. That is just insane to me. There's something like 2,500 articles across this website right now: that's a lot of Glam!

To celebrate my five year anniversary, the Glam husband and I saw Guns n' Roses last night in Cincinnati. Have no fear, a full review is coming!

Every year on December 3, I marvel at all the friends and connections I've made because of Bring Back Glam! It seems like each year I am blessed with more and more connections. Some of my very best friends came about because of this site - now I can't imagine life without some of you (and you know who you are!)

2010 saw the addition of two additional writers, our friends Christian and Brian. 2011 saw me struggling to find time to write BBG!, contribute to Noisecreep, work a demanding job and really ramp up my exercise regime. As you probably know, I never have a plan of what to write from one day to the next. I write as the spirit moves me. I'm now officially in marathon training meaning that after I work all day, run and then eat, I feel like a zombie. There are days when I feel like I can't string two sentences together, but I still try because I don't want to let you down. I still marvel every single day that anyone other than my own mother would care to spend time reading my blather. There are times when I think about my running hobby and realize that without music, I could never get through my runs. I can't get through my workday without music either. And each morning, I just instinctively Google search the Glam bands we love just to make sure I didn't miss something big over night. And yes, I still excited for festival season. What fun awaits us during this fifth year? I guess only time will tell!

And now, per tradition of every anniversary post on this site, I must say to all "Let's get rocked!"


Motley Crue Will Do a Las Vegas Residency

Kids, the rumors were true! Last night on CNN, Piers Morgan announced that Motley Crue will do a residency at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The residency starts February 3rd and lasts three weeks. Tickets go on sale this Saturday via Ticketmaster. Pre-sale tickets are already available by using the code "SIN13."

Tonight Piers Morgan will feature the guys in Motley Crue for a special hour-long interview. 

I won't be traveling to Vegas to see the residency. It's too expensive and I still think the idea is a little insane, but I bet the show will be over-the-top awesome like always. So, will you be flying to Sin City for a little Motley fun this February?


Let's Guess Motley Crue's Big Announcement

Motley Crue will announce something "big" tonight and tomorrow on Piers Morgan Tonight which airs on CNN (9 p.m. ET). The band will be at the Whisky a Go Go to make their big announcement via satellite on the show.

Robin Leach (yeah, from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous) thinks the band will announce a Las Vegas residency at the Hard Rock Hotel. Seriously. Leach reports the band will play a series of three or four nightly concerts a week in February... and that the deal could be repeated in 2012.

If this is all true, I think it's insane. And why announce something like a metal residency... on Piers Morgan of all shows? The residency could be a way to celebrate the band's 30 year anniversary. Las Vegas residencies and metal bands just don't seem to go together though. I mean, Vegas is more Manilow and less Megadeth... but I guess money talks, right?

The other piece of the puzzle is a big SIXX: AM announcement sometime in December, too. Could the two announcements be linked? Whatever the result, I'll post all the dirt up here.

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