The Best Guitar Solos Of All Time: Number 4

"Estranged" is also the highlight of the Illusions records. I regard it as Axl Rose's masterpiece. The complex interplay between dark and brooding lyrics and soaring guitar work helps cement GnR on another level when it comes to rock bands. There are only a few true stadium bands left these days and GnR is one of them. Slash's larger-than-life persona, skill and effortless cool definitely helped make the band get - and stay - huge.
The layers and dimensions on the guitar work during "Estranged" are hard to replicate. The technical bends and the melodic feeling adds to the uniqueness of the solo and the track as a whole. Other guitar players can mimic the solo but they cannot replicate Slash's signature sound.
The performance of "Estranged" was a personal highlight of the Guns n' Roses "Not In This Lifetime" reunion tour in Las Vegas back in 2016. Watching Slash perform the song live was a dream for me.
Extra credit: best Slash solo not from Guns n' Roses? For me, that's "Fall to Pieces" from Velvet Revolver. A beautiful and painful song made whole by Slash's care and skill on his Les Paul.