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Entries from June 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021


Vince Neil Performs Again After Long Pandemic Break -- It Was Rough

We all know the massive Stadium Tour with Motley Crue and Def Leppard was recently pushed off another year because of logistics and pandemic concerns.

Motley frontman Vince Neil is back on his solo circuit, playing festivals to rock fans. Vince and his band played their first live show in months and months over the weekend and it was pretty rough. Look, these days Vince is not known for being a great live vocalist. We know he skips words. Videos from the performance on May 29 at the Iowa Boone River Festival show something beyond missed and confused vocals.

Vince performed a regular set of Motley classics like "Home Sweet Home," "Looks That Kill" and "Dr. Feelgood." When it was time for the finale and "Girls, Girls, Girls," Vince gave up early saying his voice was "gone." He walked off stage and that was it. The entire set is below. So is a video of the clip where Vince calls it a night.

Look, musicians are going to be rusty their first shows out after a year-plus break from the pandemic. People need to expect that and be prepared for it. Still, I do hope Vince does work with a vocal coach at some point before next summer's tour - there sure are a lot of dates to get through and the tickets are not cheap.


'Giddy Up' -- New David Lee Roth Song

Happy June! We are entering my favorite time of year. I love summer - long, hot days and daylight until 10. Always puts me in a mood for a concert. On to the news of the day...

You read that title correct: we've got new David Lee Roth music to enjoy. The song is called "Giddy Up" and as the name suggests, there is a little twang. The song is from Roth's web comic book called The Roth Project. Roth collaborated with John 5 on the track and a few others from the comic book series.

The songs were written and recorded several years ago. Sort of makes you wonder how many completed tracks Diamond Dave is sitting on... and when (if ever) we will get to hear them!

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