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Entries from March 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020


Guns N' Roses Reschedule Some Shows

Short post today and maybe more later. Due to the nature of my job, I have been writing more than ever. My carpal tunnel is really, really bad so I have to limit excess computer time. 

Good news here at least: Guns n' Roses will reschedule their canceled South American shows due to #Covid19. Here are the new dates:


Nov. 08 - Punta Cana, Dominican Republic - Hard Rock Hotel And Casino
Nov. 15 - San Jose, Costa Rica - Estadio Ricardo Saprissa
Nov. 18 - Guatemala City, Guatemala - Estadio Cementos Progreso
Nov. 21 - Quito, Ecuador - Estadio Olimpico Atahualpa
Nov. 24 - Lima, Peru - Estadio Universidad San Marcos
Nov. 27 - Santiago, Chile - Lollaplaooza
Dec. 04 - Sao Paulo, Brazil - Lollapalooza
Dec. 06 - Bogota, Colombia - Estereo Picnic




In This Together

We are living through truly crazy time. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused massive disruption in countries across the globe. People are trying to adapt to a new normal of closed borders, social distancing and telecommuting.

Remember to take some time for yourself and take breaks. Do some things that make you happy, like listening to all those Glam albums we love. Curate a new playlist. Send a link to the playlist to your friends - and to me! Remember, we're all in this together and I appreciate you. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better and the economic tail winds are going to be bad. We're going to have to use some ingenuity to make our way forward. And remember, if you feel sick, stay home. #TogetherForever


Since We Can't Go Out For St. Patrick's Day...

We should all be practicing smart social distancing, meaning avoiding large crowds to fight the spread of Covid-19. In many states in America (and in Europe, too), large gatherings are banned right now... and that means no concerts.

St. Patrick's Day is a big day for parties and music. I hope people use some grace and common sense about avoiding gatherings. The Dropkick Murphys are not able to do their annual St. Patrick's Party show with a crowd, so they are going to livestream! If you'd like to beat cabin fever with some live music, just tune in. Info on the Tweet below.


'On Through The Night' - 40 Years Later

Def Leppard's classic On Through the Night is now 40. Such an amazing album. Really underrated in their canon, actually. I love the old clips of the band when they were so young!

Obligatory Covid-19 post of the day:


About Those Ticket Prices...

In the wake of every live show in the world seemingly canceling because of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have to ask: what will happen to ticket prices when this nightmare is over? Ticketmaster/Live Nation already add exorbitant fees on every ticket sold. The lost revenue we are looking at now is breathtaking in scope. Pretty soon a $35 lawn seat will be $100 after fees. I hope there is some pressure on Ticketmaster/Live Nation to not add a bunch of miscellaneous and nebulous fees, but I am not confident.

We are definitely in a recessionary environment. As time moves along and people begin pulling back their spending because of job loss or fear, that will impact concert ticket sales too. That is economics 101. Food and shelter are a need. Concerts are a want. This will also put pressure on Ticketmaster/Live Nation to keep ticket prices in line to at least where they were two weeks ago. In many instances, prices will need to fall to get people back at shows, especially in this pandemic drags on for a long time. From history, pandemics usually last three months per impacted region. Interesting times.


Brace For Tour Cancellations

Going forward, any comments referring to Covid-19 as "just the flu" will be immediately removed. There is enough disinformation about this pandemic swirling around and I will not help spread any here.

We are living through unprecedented times. You can read my "Fireside Chat" post and I thought we would never get to the point of shutting down major events and cities in America... and I was wrong. I knew Covid-19 was very bad, because I have been following the story very closely since the outbreak started in China. But in America, money is God and people will do whatever they can to protect a bottom line. But things are not normal. Within a span of 60 minutes last night, Trump announced a European travel ban (UK exempted) and planned tax relief and a big bailout for the leisure industry is coming, just wait for that. Then Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson announced they are positive for Covid-19... and within seconds of that news hitting the wires, the NBA suspended its season due to the outbreak. The stock market futures did not like any of this news. Those are just big domestic headlines. World headlines are pretty apocalyptic, too.

The U.S. government woefully botched this response. We need widespread testing and it just is not happening. So keep up with your standard precautions of hand washing, coughing into your elbow, wipe down your cellphone daily and be vigilant about social distancing. This means no large gatherings or being tightly packed in with other people. Essentially, no concerts or club shows. Expect to see a flood of tours and one-off concerts canceled in the weeks ahead, either by choice or government mandate.


Ozzy Osbourne, 'Ordinary Man' -- New Video

Here it is! The official title track video to Ozzy Osbourne's new album Ordinary Man. The video is a little unique for Ozzy, reflecting back over his life through photos. This is especially poignant in light of Ozzy's recently-made-public Parkinson's disease diagnosis.

Purchase or stream Ozzy Osbourne - 'Ordinary Man' here.