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Entries from March 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024


Love This Warrant Throwback

I'm seeing Warrant live in June and I'm starting to look forward to it (friends! warm weather! beer! music!). I happened to see this post below from the band's Facebook and it made me smile and brought some good memories back from crazy band photoshoot days and all those wild music magazines we all loved so much. Even more, I love that the band is using more historical photos of Jani Lane. Robert Mason is a great singer and frontman, but Jani made Warrant and the band should embrace the history and his talent.


'Fallen' Does Not Sound Like Duff McKagan

Duff McKagan released a solo album called Lighthouse a few months ago. The album doesn't necessarily sound as heavy as his other solo releases, and that is okay. Musicians should be able to experiment and change their sound whenever they want. Still, the ballad "Fallen" just doesn't sound like a Duff McKagan song at all to me. Maybe it's because I still have a hard time separating Duff's solo work from his Guns n'Roses stuff. I know I can't be the only one who feels that way. I will say "Fallen" is a sweet tribute to Duff's wife Susan.

I interviewed Duff a million years ago and I remember him gushing about her then so it seems like the duo really are a strong match and good for them. We need more of that strong love in this world!


'Photograph - Rough Mix Version'

Earlier this week, Def Leppard announced a special 40th anniversary reissue of Pyromania. Now the first "single" of that sorts is available. It is a previously unheard version of "Photograph." It is a rough mix version and incomplete. Things like this give the listener a little look into history and how the band went through the recording and mixing process.

You can pre-order the anniversary Pyromania set now.

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