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Entries from October 1, 2009 - October 31, 2009


Steel Panther 'Feel the Steel' - The Bring Back Glam! Review

Best Glam album of the year? Yeah, it's Steel Panther's very explicit Feel the Steel (Universal). I'm sure of this and it's only mid-October. I know you're familiar with Steel Panther's creative mix of sheer lewdness and supreme musical ability. Both shine expertly on Feel the Steel.

The thing about Steel Panther is the guys in the band are brilliant: they'd probably be enjoying much less success right now if it wasn't for their parody bit. Because they play-up the biggest clichés in Glam, they are able to reach a bigger audience thanks to a major label deal and massively successful residences at clubs in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Above all, the four guys in the band, Michael Starr (vocals), Satchel (guitar), Lexxi Foxxx (bass) and Stix Zadinia (drums, duh) have real talent.  We're talking about true, honest-to-goodness shredder Glam talent. They are fun to watch live too!


Here's the track list:

  1. "Death to All But Metal" 
  2. "Asian Hooker"
  3. "Community Property" 
  4. "Eyes of a Panther" 
  5. "Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)" 
  6. "Eatin' Ain't Cheatin'" 
  7. "Party All Day (Fuck All Night)"
  8. "Turn Out the Lights"
  9. "Stripper Girl" 
  10. "The Shocker" 
  11. "Girl from Oklahoma"


I can't even pick a favorite song on this album, but I do really love "Death To All But Metal," "Turn Out the Lights" and (though I am ashamed to admit) "Fat Girl." I'm trying to reconcile my love for Steel Panther and the fact that I'm a radical feminist. I mean, if any man ever said any of the things to me that Steel Panther sing about, there would be massive ramifications. Still, I find myself laughing hysterically when listening to Feel the Steel. I'm sort of worried about listening to this album at the gym, though. What happens if I laugh so hard I fall right off the elliptical machine?

Another cool thing about Feel the Steel is all the guest appearances. M. Shadows (of Avenged Sevenfold) guests on "Turn Out the Lights" and Corey Taylor (of Slipknot) lends a vocal to "Asian Hooker."

I hope Steel Panther make another music video soon! After all, the world needs more laughs. If you don't already have this album, buy it. Amazon has it on MP3 for something like seven bucks.

Follow Bring Back Glam! on Twitter.



Long Distance Request and Dedication: Remembering the Original 'American Top 40'

Remember the (original) Casey Kasem era of American Top 40? I definitely remember the radio countdown being a major part of my life during the 80s. It seemed like the countdown went on forever (nearly four hours, actually), making it hard for me to wait to hear the number one tune. Since Metal was so big during the 80s, a lot of our favorites were on Top 40 from time to time. It was always fun to hear bands like Poison go up against the likes of Billy Joel. (In case you're wondering, I listened via Q102 in Cincinnati).

The countdown was often drawn-out with the addition of special features like the "Long distance request and dedication." Kasem would read a fan-submitted letter on the air which was always some sort of sob story about a couple being separated by a thousand miles, broke, sick and desperate. To "heal" the pain, Kasem would play some 80s sap ballad for the people designated in the letter.

There were special Top 40 programs from time to time. According to the all-knowing power that is Wikipedia, there was a special show during the weekend of July 4-5, 1986 entitled Giants of Rock. I don't specifically remember this show - I was only 7 - but it's highly likely I did hear it. I would love to hear it again, but I know that's a long shot. There was also another show called Triathlon of Rock 'n Roll which originally aired during the weekend of July 4-5, 1988. (Clearly, Glam goes well with the Independence Day holiday in America!) Sirius/XM is now rebroadcasting Top 40, but I don't know if that also includes special shows.

I've always carried fond memories of Top 40 since my childhood. Maybe it's because I remember everyone I know being so into the show. My husband says he listened each week on his way home from church. Remember: this was before the Internet and I didn't know a soul with a subscription to Billboard. My friends and my mom (my mom really liked the countdown) would always have to pay attention to learn the number 1 song "in the land." Sometimes I miss the days of actually having to wait for information - and then being excited when I finally learned the news.

Check out Casey Kasem talking about the evolution of the compact disc! (This is from a broadcast in 1983)


I'll Be Listening to Hanoi Rocks Today...

I have a massive chore list for today which involves cleaning, organizing and writing. It dawned on me the other day that I haven't listened to Hanoi Rocks in a long, long time. I decided to make a Hanoi play list to use during my work. Here's a few of the songs I'll be rocking out to while clearing out my junk room.



"Up Around the Bend"


So Hell Froze Over

Before we talk Glam, I need to spend 12 seconds talking about the Balloon Boy. Seriously? Did you all watch the news yesterday? A six year old supposedly floating away over Colorado in his father's homemade UFO-like flying machine. The kid was never in the balloon and was found safe in his garage. Of course, he wasn't found until after the damn police and military were mobilized. Watching the flying UFO "carrying the boy" was the craziest news footage I've seen in a long, long time.

Now, the Glam and the hell freezing over part: Dokken and Lynch Mob will play a show together. Seriously. The two bands will share a stage at the House of Blues in Anaheim, California. The show is scheduled for November 29 - Thanksgiving weekend. Tickets are on sale now.

Would it be wrong to take bets on how long the show lasts? Three songs? I'm a little skeptical it will even come off, but sometimes a binding contract helps push things along. I'm not seeing a full fledged tour off this, but I bet both bands could make some decent coin traveling around together and we are in a recession...and everyone needs some extra cash these days.

So, what do we think? Will the Dokken/Lynch Mob show be a success or failure of epic proportions? If I had the money and time, I'd fly to California just to witness this event. I feel it's going to be something to see.




FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (October 15, 2009) - Been thinking about a vacation? Love rock n' roll? Want to try a cruise? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then ShipRocked is for you - but act fast because cabins are nearly sold out! ShipRocked is the hardest rocking floating festival of 2009 featuring Queensryche, Tesla, RATT, Skid Row, Lynam, Endeverafter, Broken Teeth, Stereoside, Stonerider and the Niki Barr Band. The cruise sets sail from Ft. Lauderdale on November 15 and returns you to reality five days later. Along the way, ShipRocked ports in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and Georgetown, Grand Cayman. For more information, visit


Worried about the economy? Who isn't?! If you book now, you'll get in on special pricing for the last few remaining cabins.  From now until they are gone, cabins will be sold on a "guarantee basis" which means you are guaranteed an interior, ocean view or balcony stateroom with a chance of an upgrade - without the extra cost! All cabins are subject to availability, and start at only $749 (per person, double occupancy). The prices include your cruise (room and board), all the concerts, meet and greets and other exclusive events during the trip.  For booking and more information, please visit, or call 877-855-5502. Remember - once all cabins are booked no more can be added, so don't delay. You don't want to miss the boat on the year's biggest music event.


During ShipRocked, you'll be entertained by Queensryche, Tesla, RATT, Skid Row, Lynam, Endeverafter, Broken Teeth, Stereoside, Stonerider and the Niki Barr Band. You'll also have time to relax on the beach while in port, rock out in clubs around the ship, express yourself during heavy metal karaoke and dress up like it's 1989 during the 80s Prom Night!


ShipRocked sails November 15 -20, 2009 on the beautiful MSC Poesia. The Poesia is the third vessel in the MSC Cruise Line's "Musica" family of ships. This ship features MSC Cruise Line's signature Italian inspired decor, impeccable service, sumptuous cuisine in multiple restaurants, beautiful swimming pools, hot tubs plus a full-service spa and fitness center.


ShipRocked will truly be the ultimate rock and roll vacation and backstage pass!




A Frank Discussion About the New KISS CD

I've wanted to review Sonic Boom for over a week now. Here's the problem: I can't get the CD to play! I bought the disc, popped it in my car and it got jammed in the player for four days. Sunday, the disc just decided to pop out, so I grabbed it and inserted the KISS Klassics CD that comes along with Sonic Boom - and this disc just skips around. We're not talking about a normal "skip" here: this is a massive, sound dropping mess. The problem isn't my car stereo, either. I tried a few different CDS, all of them played wonderfully.

Am I the only one having such KISS problems?

I swear I read on Metal Sludge that someone else was having issues with the CD quality of Sonic Boom, but now I can't find that thread. I can't return the disc because I threw away the receipt when I walked out of the evil empire, er,  store. I've never had a problem with a newly purchased CD - ever. I'm afraid to put any of the KISS related Sonic Boom discs in my laptop because I don't want one of them to become jammed, or worse. At this point, I'm even afraid of trying to play the live DVD.

Could it be that KISS sunk so low with their Wal-Mart deal that they sacrificed basic quality standards? Maybe I just got a dud -- it happens. One thing is for sure, I won't be spending another 12 bucks on a new copy of Sonic Boom

Anyone else have such problems?



Heavy Pettin'

Who here likes the band Heavy Pettin'? I don't recall us talking about them much, but they have some decent melodic tunes. My favorite is "Rock Ain't Dead." Maybe I just like the video - but it's good stuff. Hamie, the lead singer, sure as hell has a high voice. Seriously. High. The first time I heard this band, I sort of jumped a little.

Here's the clip for "Rock Ain't Dead:"

Here's "Victim's of Night:"