Are You a Hair Raid Groupie?

You can’t make this stuff up. I get pitches and media releases from bands all the time. I’ve been conversing over email with one of the guys in Hair Raid for a few months and once again, he requested an interview. See, I agree cover bands are a huge part of the Glam revolution: they keep the songs we love alive across the world, allowing us to rock out by proxy. So, I sent over some basic questions…and instead of answers, I got what you’re about to read. Seriously. Between this site, Noisecreep, guest posts, my time in television and radio and more, I’ve done hundreds of interviews…and never has any subject just taken the reigns and completely “interviewed themselves.” I kind of like it. So what you have next is a little feature on the cover band known as Hair Raid, only edited for clarity and grammar.
Recently, Bring Back Glam! caught up with the notorious recluse "Spade" and the boys of Hair Raid while promoting their recent "Orgy of Excess Tour". That’s right - 80s Hair Metal has a new front man. Hair Raid has officially taken it upon themselves to bring back the high kicks, splits, and spandex that defined the days when Twisted Sister, with their teased-up hair and Legion of Doom-style shoulder pads, ruled the day.
Started in a small crack house in Maryland - Hair Raid remembers its roots and continues to play the songs that inspire fun, excess, and sex. “When we started we didn’t have a place to play and the conditions were less than stellar. The cops never came to this neighborhood so the noise was never a problem,” said bassist ‘Doc’ who apparently is in charge of the resources that keep the band properly hydrated and in peak performance for each show.
As far as the line up goes the fans can surely look forward to the standard Bon Jovi, Poison, Guns and Motley Crue but an occasional Steel Panther song or even Team Americas: "America, Fuck Yeah" do make the set list to change it up a bit. To really get the crowd going and the bras flying, the band has a set list referenced as “Thong Songs” – To the likes of Journey, Loverboy, The Outfield, and the rest of the power ballads Hair ballads sure to make the cat’s meow.
“The fans say they come out for the tunes but we know why they’re really here. The chicks! The crazy antics and the sense of freedom this music really brings. It’s escapism in its truest form. Who wants to stay home and worry about your job? What could be more fun than pure sex and rock and roll?” chants drummer ‘Spade,’ who apparently seems to be true to name: ‘always coming up spades.’” He assures us that the chaos around the show is all in the spirit of fun and no animals are ever hurt. Huh?
The quiet man of the group, ‘GI Joe,’ who served his country with Axe in hand adds, “I just love to shred. It’s what I do.”
The recent addition of keyboard player “Angel,” brought on the ability to play songs not originally in scope, but more importantly additional on stage antics. Angel boasts, “I really never understood how nasty men could be until I joined a band. Sex and rock, at least there seems to be two tracks to their mind. I love every minute of it.” We assume anyone that puts up with this weekly debauchery must surely be an “Angel.”
Even with the success of their recent performances, Hair Raid continues to drive harder, deeper, cake on the hair spray and search for eyeliner that doesn’t run. "Our fans known as the Hair Raid Army have been our biggest asset as they are the ones that come up with the great ideas for our spring break-like T-shirt giveaway games. The interaction with the crowd is really what sets our show apart from any other band. Our fans do not tell their friends they “heard a band,” they tell them stories about the “show they saw.” And that’s exactly what were looking for,” says front man “Worm,” who is apparently known for his own backstage antics. The visual aspects and crowd interactions continue to evolve for the band and they are reaping the benefits. Apparently the crowd gets a little too excited as prop blow-up girl "Jenna" wasn’t able to make the interview as she was in for repairs.
Hair Raid performs primarily in Virginia, but you can also find them in Washington, D.C., Maryland and New York for annual appearances. Next show is October 9th in Crystal City.
Where next - Tokyo?
Click here for more show information.