Covers Songs In Surprising Places

Today I learned that “My Maria” is a cover song.
Now, Allyson, you might be asking “Why are you mentioning a country song on BBG! – especially when you despise the genre?”
The answer, young grasshoppers, is that I was intrigued because of a past life.
“My Maria” was a big hit for Brooks & Dunn back in 1996. I know this because I grew up in farm country and people at my high school were always playing Brooks & Dunn. I was in tenth grade at this time. (You might recall Brooks & Dunn won a 1997 Grammy for their version too).
Fast forward to the year 2000. I was in college and doing a broadcast internship at the local radio station. I went to college in a small town – also in the “holler” – and the broadcast format was (and still is) country. I write all this to say that I heard “My Maria” constantly.
Like, the song was many years old by the time I was on the microphone and it was still in regular rotation in the Audio VAULT system.
Fast forward to today. You know, 23 years later. I decided to work in-office today, so I’m driving down the highway and flipping channels on my satellite radio. 70s on 7 is playing “My Maria.” I was confused and glanced down to see the track was really by B.W. Stevenson. The song was a single in August of 1973 – and was a top 10 hit then, too. The guitar portion features my beloved Larry Carlton even! You might recall Larry recorded some of the best guitar solos for Steely Dan. Remember – I’ve said before I think his work on “Don’t Take Me Alive” is among the best rock guitar solos ever!
After I googled “My Maria” and learned the roots of the song, I had to look the song up on Amazon Music and listen more closely to the guitars. I do prefer Larry Carlton’s noodling (shocker) – but the Brooks & Dunn version is pretty true to the original.
Now I want to hear a metalcore version of this song – and no, I’m not kidding. There could be a great breakdown in the middle of the song at around the 2 minute mark. I’m always amazed at how artists can approach cover songs – either completely rip them apart and make them unique or stay true to the original as a nod of respect. I’m just saying, I think Upon This Dawning should reform and do a cover. I mean, look what they did with this pop hit: