Sunday's Best: Week 38, 2022

Today is September 18, 2022 - and the official start of banned book week, sponsored by the American Library Association. Some of my favorite books are on the "banned" list. I remember getting buttons way back in middle school that said "I read banned books."
Reading some banned books is our Sunday's Best for this week.
This got me to thinking - have any of the music-related books we love ended up on the so-called banned list? You would think Motley Crue's The Dirt would have to be right up there. Also Slash's autobiography. Steven Tyler's too... and on and on. This is my recommendation to you to get a library card - I personally like to use the digital downloads from Libby these days. Go read something "banned" and be a rebel. Stand-up against censorship.
Looking for some reading suggestions? My favorites Brave New World (Aldous Huxley), The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins), The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck) and of course my beloved Middlesex (Jeffrey Eugenides) are always good. Middlesex won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2003. But seriously, if you haven't ever read The is the time. Run, don't walk, to the nearest library or bookstore and get a copy because it is so entertaining!
It begins today! This #BannedBooksWeek celebrate the ways that books unite us and make sure people know about the ways censorship divides us!
— ALA OIF (@OIF) September 18, 2022