I've Still Never Seen The Cult Live...

It seems amazing to me after all the concerts I've been to that I've never seen The Cult live. The band remains at the top of my "must see" list but it just hasn't happened yet for whatever reason. To that end, I was pleased as punch to find a full Cult concert on YouTube. The concert is actually from just a couple days ago in San Diego.
Reader Comments (17)
They ROCKED IT. The song Rise is easily one of the best tunes of the 2000's.
Funny that Ian sang for "Doors". When he is onstage, the band has a mystique and the show was surreal-ish, which is what I get from my readings of Jim Morrison and his time with us.
The Cult do rock. Reason I heard that they do not do more festivals and the such is because their price tag is way out of line for their ability to draw, which is a shame. I'd be there in a heartbeat.
I had to go to dinner with the client so I had to pass but looking back on it now, that choice definitely belongs in that "What the hell was I thinking?" department.
In hindsight, that client wouldn't have cared and I woulda been hangin' with The Cult AND seein' Kingdom Come! Doh!
I think that they still have it in terms of energy and creativity. The addition of Tempesta was a blessing, as is Astbury's seemingly taking care of his demon wrestling. Duffy? He oozes guitar god charm on stage.
Having them around, making new music and playing the classics? I prefer that to the alternative(s).
My friend and I passed on a night of partying with Def Leppard in June 1988 to see my stupid boyfriend (me anyway, not her), who ended up just slamming the door in my face because I was a couple hours late. We did get to hang out with Def Leppard (sans Joe) the next night after their show though, so that was pretty alright. They were so nice and Joe's fiance Carla, who we chatted with at the show, was amazing and gorgeous to boot.
Another D'oh! moment - passing on spending the day shopping with Jani Lane and Jerry Dixon in '96 to go to work ?!? Although in hindsight, they probably would have expected us to pay so it was probably a good thing that we passed.
That's actually why I bought them several rounds of drinks. When in doubt, throw booze at the problem. After a couple of shots of tequila and some beers, he turned into a real charmer!
Also saw them in Stockholm in 2010.
You know, one of the funny things from the Def Leppard show that night was there was this fan who was near the mixing/sound board who didn't realize that Carla was Joe Elliot's fiancee and he kept trying to hit on her. She was such a class act that she never told him who she was. She just kept ignoring him and staring at the stage. It was hilarious.