RATT Performs 'City to City' Live

RATT performed "City to City" (from the album Reach for the Sky) the other day at the Halfway Jam. I don't remember ever seeing RATT do the song live. It's possible I just don't recall it, but I'm still pretty stunned "City to City" was added to the set list. I always appreciate when the bands we love throw some more obscure tracks into the mix. I can't say that RATT sounds the best I've ever heard them here, but I appreciate the effort nonetheless.
Reader Comments (38)
As for his bandmates, I'm pretty sure they could give a 'Ratts Ass", However, given time I'm sure Pearcy will have something to say about it, as it's pretty well known they really don't like each other a whole lot.
Pearcy is mailing in the lyrics half the time here. Still, nobody can halfa*s vocals better than him, especially on a RATT song, because even in all his nonchalance, he's still got that unmistakeable RATT Sound only his voice, and his voice only, can deliver.
Hey, maybe that's why they called this fest Halfway Jam.
Also, nice backdrop, eh? What th? Gotta love that Penske Rent-a-Truck ready to load as soon as the sets over. Surprised Pearcy didn't look down at his watch during the performance.
p.s. Hey, Jack, we gotta raise a toast to BBG! on The Monsters of Rock Cruise. Whether I agree with Blotzer or you makes no difference to me when it comes to politics because there is one thing we all do agree on -- RATT'N'ROLL!!!
I certainly support anyone's right to a political point of view, even if I vehemently disagree with it. This is America, after all. Hell, Ted Nugent drives me absolutely insane, but I have never heard him make such racist remarks about the black community. I think that you may be confusing Blotz's "bravery" with what is really just his ignorance.
I haven't checked his FB page to see if the comments are still up, but Metal Sludge (a site not nearly as good as yours, if I might add) has the transcript posted.
Maybe I'll ask him about his comments on The Monsters of Rock Cruise. Maybe he'd like to know that 85% of all white murders are White on White Crimes. Why are so many Rockstars I love so right wing?!
But I think Gary also went a bit farther than need be: drunk comments can be the sober thoughts vomiting to the surface or they can be a fun-house version of real thoughts, distorted and twisted into something barely resembling a coherent argument. Drugs (booze is a drug) might give you courage; they don't guarantee clarity.
Follow-up comments that feature a certain "C" word (verboten in the States but less likely to arouse anger abroad), quickly followed by "love you bro" style responses to his defenders only further suggest he was in an altered state.
And my final two cents: people of all stripes, left or right, religious or not, are guilty of pulling a "nut job" stunt in front of the world (moreso when the internet is as close as whatever it is they are drinking or huffing or smoking or snorting). It's called "foot in mouth" disease and it afflicts most of human population. Some know how to control it; others do not. And, not to sound high and mighty (because I am guilty of this too), it is always striking how people see the world through their eyes, attributing the worst of intent to those not like them and the best of intent to themselves or those who are similar (it's called Attribution Theory).
Don't begrudge anyone their view (though I jab at Metalboy! and others on occasion for comments far more enlightening and far more lucid). Wouldn't want them to give up their free speech either. In the end everyone, including Blotzer, has to choose . . . and that goes for what they do in the early morning hours, altered state or not.
And yes, Blotzer's rant was a huge turn-off. But if I started hating artists for stupidity I wouldn't have much of a media collection.
African-Americans have a channel like BET and their own pageant simply because they are statistically not in the loop on TV. I mean aside from SOME hit shows and winning SOME talent events, how often, statistically, are they represented on mainstream TV, etc. Although better then it once was, there's still a lot of room for improvement.
Remember, numbers don't lie.
Well said!!!
Sugar coat it anyway you want still stinks of reverse racism!
Its great to see the Ratt boys mixing it up with some lesser played favorites of thier fans.
I am a long time fan and supporter of Ratt. I love the new material.
When it comes to thier live performances I guess I am of a differant opinion as everyone else because I think Pearcys performamces the last several years have been as poor as Vince Neil's.