Europe To Headline Next Monsters of Rock Cruise

The next Monsters of Rock cruise is set for April 18, 2015. The cruise just wrapped up, so if you went, please give us an update! I have to live vicariously through you - some of my friends were on the boat! I'm in the middle of buying a new house, so a vacation this month just wasn't an option for me.
Next year, Europe will headline the cruise. Here's the tour poster. Roll call please! I'd love to do this next year, but the date is horrible for me work-wise, so we'll see.
Reader Comments (27)
With that said, Cinderella was Cinderella - AWESOME. Y&T were solid as always. Tod Poley doing Prince's Purple Rain with Cheap Thrill was a highlight. Gabbie Rae was phenomenal. Kix was their normal high energy selves. Tesla did two full sets and only duplicated 4 songs (Love Song, Cowboy, Signs and Cumin Atcha Live). Surprise was "Wonderful World" in the acoustic set from Bust a Nut. HIGHLY recommend to all readers of this site to get on the boat.
For 2015, I'm glad to see them vary it up a little bit with Europe, Heaven's Edge, Zebra and Leatherwolf. Now, if they can get RATT to make good for canceling this year a la Cinderella that will really up the ante.
Also glad to see alums KIX, Stryper, Lita Ford, Keel and Black & Blue. One thing they don't need is tired and mediocre retread acts like TeslUGH! SO Boring!
They could and should add Accept, The Cult, Kingdom Come, Junkyard and Wildside as some are out on tour and others have played The Whisky recently.
AND if they REALLY wanted to heavy up the roster, they should add Cheap Trick as a headliner!
I love Ugly Kid Joe!
They are bada$$!
1)Ted Poley - always good, always fun.
2)Autograph - one of the surprises for me. Saw them at the preparty, and was really just trying to cross them off my list so I didn't have to bother seeing them on the ship. I only knew 2 songs going in. I thought they were really good. Lots of catchy songs and they sounded great. When I got back to my room I did a search on them and was surprised to find out that it was not the original lead singer.
3)Firehouse - One of my favorites. Thought they were really good.
4)Kix - Saw them twice. Great shows both times. Steve didn't sound as good as normal. Think he mentioned he was fighting bronchitis. Nonetheless.....always entertaining.
5)Dangerous Toys - was looking forward to them this year. Saw them last year, and thought it was a fun show even though I didn't know their songs. So I bought one of their CDs and was more ready this year. I saw them twice this year on the ship and both shows were good and a lot of fun.
6)Tesla - Thought they were good. Left early to see Winery Dogs
7)Winery Dogs - Bought their CD about a month ago, and my wife and I have been wearing it out. I love this band. They sounded so good on the ship. I saw them perform twice, and came home to find out that they are booked twice in May here in NC. Woo hoo!
8)Vixen - I mentioned this in another post, but they sounded great. I saw their plugged in set....missed the acoustical one.
9)Winger - this was another one I was looking forward to because I had never seen them with the full band. I saw their first set, in which they played thier entire first album. They were really solid. Kip sounded good, but the background vocals of the original singers made a huge difference versus the other times I have seen Winger.
10)Cinderella - Awesome!! Best they have ever sounded and I have seen them at least 10 times over the past 15 years. There was no mention of this being the last show. But my wife & I made the same comment about it being a possibility. Tom is doing his solo stuff. And the other band members have their own stuff going on too. Tom seems to have taken over almost all of the guitar solos. I think it is just speculation at this point, but could very well be true.
11) LA Guns - Again, one of my favorites. Phil sounded as good as I have ever heard him. The new guitarist (Michael Grant) can simply shred. Don't know how long they are going to be able to keep him...because that dude has serious talent.
12)Faster Pussycat - Saw them twice. Both times were around 1AM. Taime doesn't sound great. The band is not original. But it is a party. The crowd really gets into it and it was a lot of fun.
13) Great White - Sounded OK. But I miss Jack. Saw Jack's version a few weeks ago, and it is much better than Terry's version.
14) Cheap Thrill - This band has the 2 guitarists from Cinderella. Heard them while lounging in the sun, so didn't pay a lot of attention, but they sounded ok. And they had several guests vocalists
15) Mike Tramp - this was an acoustical show. I enjoyed it a lot, and he told stories in between about every song.
16) Killer Dwarfs - This was one of the few bands I had never seen, and was looking forward to it. Thought it was just ok. Unfortunately I left their set early to see Slaughter.
17) Slaughter - really bad. I left after 3 songs. Their drummer is a funny dude though. Banging on the cymbals with his drum stool. That is a new one.
18) London Quireboys - only knew their one hit and I had never seen them before, but I thoroughly enjoyed their show. Would definitely want to see them again.
Guess this turned out longer than I thought. Hope it is helpful.
I went on the first 2 cruises, and had an amazing time. So many great bands, and cool people from around the world. Unfortunately, had to miss this year. Hard to take a cruise towards the end of tax season... Plus, I'm going to M3 in a few weeks, so will get to see many of the same bands anyway.
Pleased to see the 2015 cruise has a more varied lineup, and is thankfully after tax season. Hope to go again!
As for some new blood next year, Living Colour anybody?? Great at Rocklahoma 2008.
I`m gonna be on the next cruise!
@metalboy- yes cheap trick would be a awesome band to have! one poster said he'd fall asleep during their set??? really??? get one adult beverage in ya and your hips are gonna move:)
in a perfect world they would invite "skid row" back for this cruise....they and if on the cruise would ROCK!
I totally agree on "the cult"!!!!good call man
imagine this vid brother havin a few beers:
although the camera man should be fired... this is why I would like to see "skid row" again on a cruise
While Faster Pussycat was playing their second show the night before, I watched him come up to the stage with two security people elbowing and pushing people out of the way so he would have a closer view.
A paying passenger, who was standing next to me when he was so rudely pushed out of the way for your Royal Hynieness of TeslUGH!, protested to one of the security guards that he wasn't going to be pushed around, said guard told him, yes you are unless you want to be thrown in The Brig!
How disappointing since the guy can s*ng his a*s off. Another disappointment which was totally expected for me, Was Whinery Dogsh*t. What a complete BORE, except for the hysterical overplaying of Billy Sheehan. That guy is even funnier to watch than Rick Neilsen, lead guitarist of Cheap Trick.
Even better is the fact that Sheehan doesn't realize he's funny whereas Neilsen is playing for laughs.
p.s. Hey, d*cks, if Cheap Trick are SO bad, how come one of your dick bands, Anthrhacks does a cover of "Auf Weidersiegn" by none other than you guessed it, Cheap Trickc. Get a LIFE!!!
Anthrax are a bunch of dicks!!!
Tesla are a million times better than Cheap "pathetic" Trick could ever possibly dream of being!!!
If you hate glam metal and call it hair metal than you are a Cheap Trick fan! Long Live hating everything that is good about glam metal! Cheap Trick are the worst thing that glam metal has to offer! Cheap Trick fans hate everything about honest real glam metal!
They are the worst band to ever walk this green earth! Cheap Trick can't help but suck ass and eat feces! Only poseurs like/love Cheap Trick!
All poseurs who sadly think that Cheap Trick are (cough cough) remotely good. Trust me you are pathetic. Cheap Trick completely suck, get used to it, losers.