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'Whole Lotta Love' -- New Video

On June 3, Led Zeppelin will celebrate the release of deluxe reissues of their first three albums. As part of the excitement leading up to these reissues, the band just released a new video for the alternate version of "Whole Lotta Love." The song was originally released in 1969. On a semi-related note, CNN will debut a new series tonight at 9pm ET called The Sixties. Music will be a large part of this series, and I'm definitely watching.

Reader Comments (17)

I like my Zeppelin as much as the next guy. But seriously? Re releasing old songs that we have been listening to for the past 40 years is getting ridiculous. I don't even want new Zeppelin let alone the old stuff once again. They need to stop teasing the public and the fans unless they're doing a show. Just myopinion on stuff like this though.
May 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDj
I found some of the alternate live takes on the BBC session enjoyable. I see your point though, Dj. It is a niche audience; but that audience--like the bootleg lovers--really does love alternate takes.

I will say this: Page seems to be doing this out of love for the music. It doesn't seem like a cash grab to me. I could be wrong.
May 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHim
It's not a cash grab. I mean, seriously... it's Led Zeppelin! How much more cash do they need? They've already made more than they can ever spend.

I was never a big Zep fan, but I do recognize the legacy & the longevity of the act. This is definitely a labor of love for Jimmy. After hearing the same versions for 40 years, I kind of find the alternate takes sort of interesting.
May 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele
Led Zeppelin is at the top of Rock & Roll Mountain.

After Hendrix, there's Page. After The Beatles, there's Zeppelin (Sorry, Mick and Keef).

Personally, their my favorite band. Watch the Madison Square Garden performance of "The Song Remains The Same", The "DVD" in it's entirety, and the bootlegged "Seattle Superdome '77 on YouTube and you'll see why.

These remastered (yet again) rereleases are must haves for the true Zeppelin fan (who isn't ? I've met them aged 11 through 70), containing an extra disc of alternative takes, rough mixes, live cuts and the occasional previously unreleased song, all recorded during each album's corresponding sessions.

And of course, there's the Limited Edition boxed set of Limited edition box sets of each album, the first 3 due out June 3rd. Each Limited Edition contains the albums in every format plus accompanying hard bound coffee table books of previously unreleased and classic photos of the band, etc. from the periods of each album.

As mentioned in the above paragraph, you can buy the first three in one deluxe package for a ridiculously huge amount of money (Hundreds) but since I'm not made of that anymore, I'll have to chip away at the first one deluxe box set at a time.

For me, Led Zeppelin II is the standout ("Heartbreaker", anyone?) so I'll be getting that first, though if they were all out, I'd go for "Physical Graffiti" and my personal fave, the sleeper, "Presence" even before that one.

p.s. HIM -- Judging from Zep's current album sales (let alone their total album sales) and radio airplay, their's is hardly a niche market. After all, "Stairway To Heaven" is The Most Played Song in Radio History. And as much as I'd love to agree with you... Though part of Page is doing it for the love of music, from what I've read about him in all those great biographies written about the band, he's also doing it for the love of money, believe me.

NOTE: Though this alternate early mix of "Whole Lotta Love" is great, it's missing the guitar solo, as he hadn't laid it down yet. Legend is, the iconic solo you hear in the classic definitive original mix from 1969 (!) is the only recorded take. The story is, Page just couldn't get it right and finally, after hours and hours of trying to nail it, he did so in one take, exhausted, lighting a cigarette, leaning against his Marshall stack, closing his eyes and letting it wail to the playback. Let's hope there's a fair share of previously unreleased versions of songs, unreleased songs and live cuts with previously unheard solos. Therein lies the REAL Gold.
May 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
The real story here is CNN actually doing a "series" ?? Pandering to the crowd that once watched CNN as a CREDIBLE news source. Hard to show a series when you truck in 69 experts still looking for a plane and giving their take on it ?

But to the actual music ? Eh... not sure who these deluxe sets are catering to ? The baby boomers with big pockets ?
May 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
Oh trust me, money has always been a big motivator where Page is concerned. Just ask jake Holmes, Willie Dixon, Keith Relf, Bob Mosley, Randy California, and any number of other musicians who deserve some of the Led zeppelin fortune, but were denied it because Page and Plant refused to give them writing credits.
May 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Willie Dixon has been subsequently handsomely paid and credited where credit is due on both album cover jackets and on the LP labels. I've done the side by side thing with Spirit's "Taurus". The Randy California Foundation and the remaining members of Spirit ain't gonna win that one.

As for the others, you may be right, Bob! But, let's face it, Page, really knew how to turn those songs inside out take them to a level much higher than the originals!
May 30, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I consider myself humbly schooled as regards the "cash grab" argument. I defer to those who know more on the subject and bow out of the debate, tail bent.

But I stand by the niche market comment for retakes, outtakes, and the like. The band's continued longevity/legacy is not based on those things (or boots' for that matter). It is based on the original catalog drawing in new fans and luring back old ones who need another copy. Perhaps I am splitting hairs on a bald head. I dunno.

True, the live sessions I referenced did really well in the States in 97 (compare those sales to _Celebration Day_ more recently). But other markets? Not bad. Just not as much a draw as their back catalog.

I do think GNR has a point: deluxe editions of deluxe editions are catering to a very specific, and narrow, corner of the overall market (and I full well recognize that Zep continues to be a draw as I note above). I won't call it the same thing this time. But I tend to think it is.

And I am amazed to hear that they are your favorite band, Metalboy! Given that, may I ask a question: what is your take on _In Through the Out Door_?
May 30, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Before Metalboy! has a chance, I love, love, love In Through the Out Door. It's just an escape from previous Zep albums... something different, but more of the same.

I may be alone in this, but Fool In The Rain is top 5 Zeppelin song.
May 30, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
Metalboy!, Willie Dixon was only compensated after a very public lawsuit. If that hadn't happened, Page and Plant wouldn't have given him a dime. As for the new lawsuit brought by that lawyer representing Spirit, I agree, he won't win. Randy California himself never brought a suit against Zep when he was alive, so I wish this wasn't happening now. Plus, the real ogvious spirit ripoff was Cheap Trick's "The Flame" which is basically a re arrangement of spirit's "It's Nature's Way."
May 30, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Zep's catalog is how big ? I mean we are talking about a couple of select songs.
May 30, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
GNR, you can of course look all of this up if you'd like, and if you don't want to, that's fine too, but it is more than just a couple songs. through Zep's first three albums alone, five seppppppppppppparate songs resulted in lawsuits where Zep had to pay out money. And those aren't the only ones. Is it a small amount compared to their total output?...Yes. Is it a disproportionately high number of lawsuits compared to other iconic bands with similar quantity of output to Zep's?...Also an emphatic yes!
May 30, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBob
ya maybe with the money from these sales they can compensate the other artists they ripped off. just got to youtube n punch in led zeppelin plagiarism. they are frauds even though considered rock icons.
May 31, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterglamrockerarchie
Glad to see another poster has some respect for ITTOD, GNR. Still want to know your thoughts, Metalboy!
June 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Hey, forgot to get back to you boyz sooner. I get it about the lawsuits. Page obviously suffered from confabulation syndrome and also went along with Atlantic, Steve Weiss and his errand boy, Peter Grant.

Details, details... Guitar solo on "Heartbreaker" is all I need to hear to continue my sonic denial about Zep's not rewarding proper credit.

HIM, honestly, "In Through The Outdoor" is saved by one epic monument of a song, really their last one out the door, majestic solo and all...

"In The Evening", their last GREAT song with ITTOD's predecessor "Presence", being their truly last GREAT album, Page's and my personal favorite.
June 7, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
"Presence". Oh, what a great slab of Metal served ice cold. Wish they had stayed on this track, regardless of the challenges that delivered ITTOD.
June 7, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I had a feeling you would pick that song, Metalboy! It is great. I also like "All of My Love."

I am also willing to eat another slab of humble pie: projections for the new releases are quite substantial, much larger than I would have thought. When I am wrong, I am wrong. Guess it just speaks to the power that Zep still hold.
June 8, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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