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RUSH, 'Tom Sawyer' Live

Rush will release R40 Live later this month. The concert film basically features the band doing all of their hits.

Rush seems like one of those bands where people are absolutely rabid in their fandom. I was never really that way about them, but I sure like the song "Tom Sawyer."

The track is still played nonstop on WEBN, Cincinnati's best classic rock station.

Reader Comments (6)

I'll probably take a cyber pounding for this, but I think Rush is easily one of the most overrated bands in rock history. I actually dig their first album. It all went to hell when Neil Peart took over with his nonsense obtuse lyrics, and turned them into the poor man's Emerson, Lake and Palmer.
November 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Good Lord Geddy Lee sounds horrible. If the rest f the show sounds like that, they would have been better off shelving this release.
November 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Rush isn't really my cup of tea. The songs themselves aren't bad, it's just not my thing. I can't deny the fact that they're incredible musicians though.
November 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDj
Hear, hear, Bob! I agree on all counts!

I always thought Lifeson should have left and formed a new band called LIFESON in chrome lettering!

Unfortunately for him, I regard RUSH as one of the biggest comedy acts of all time for the very reasons Bob describes!

Jeff, it's time for you to bid your farewell to RUSH... It's never too late to correct admit you were wrong!

DJ... Very seldom do we disagree. I'm glad to see your Metal Detector is working at full capacity... as in bullsh*t detector!
November 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Love their earlier stuff to death (up to Moving Pictures,their greatest release IMO) I never really paid too much attention to Neil's " I smoked 4 bongs while reading Ayn Rand" inspired lyrics. The music is what originally drew me in. All three are incredibly talented musicians. (Alex Lifeson had a big hand in shaping my personal guitar style,along with Mr. Rhoades and EVH.) Guy is a wiz live. Completely blew me away all 3 times I saw them. I get the hate. They're one oft the those bands you either love or hate,not a lot of in between. Put me in the minority here who loves them (at least their 1974-1981 years) Not real big on the early 80's on,keyboard driven drek that pushed Lifeson to the background of the mix..Stopped buying their stuff after Moving Pictures....
November 8, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Still, they've got a nice logo.
November 8, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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