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Discuss: Bobby Blotzer's RATT Experience

Videos are surfacing of the new RATT, which is really Bobby Blotzer's RATT Experience. The band features singer Josh Alan (Sin City Sinners), Scotty Griffin, Doc Ellis and a young guitarist who goes by Blaze. The band is talented for sure, but it just isn't RATT if you know what I mean.

Reader Comments (12)

Legally, he is in limbo with this. And it is an odd turn of events when both DeMartini and Pearcy agree that he is using this version of Ratt (or the Ratt Experience) to enrich only himself and/or confuse fans. Then, just to liven things up, add in Ratt's Juan Croucier touring as--you guessed it--Ratt's Juan Croucier. And whataya' know? Blotzer doesn't approve. Sure, DeMartini's initial (temp.) injunction was denied re: Blotzer's band. But now what? Not much legal new since the start of October.

I saw Ratt on the Infestation Tour and it was a great stroll down memory lane. Crane and Carvazo were the nicest of the bunch in person. And, no surprise, Pearcy sounded like Pearcy. Which makes this video a bit odd: because they sound like Ratt never did live. They actually sound closer to the recordings.

Is it realllllllllly Ratt? Of course not. But you start a very slippery slide when you say that it ain't given all the one-offs and only-ones that now tour about. You get into LA Guns and Great White territory, not to mention (The) Sweet, Diamond Head, ELO, CCR(evisited), etc., etc.

My gut take on all this: the band deserves this sort of turmoil. They brought it upon themselves. They took the promise of Infestation and turned it into a slap fight over scraps. Blotzer gets on the Internet when he is too socially lubricated. Pearcy sold his rights away and then wanted them back (with Croucier cooing in his ear). DeMartini is self-sufficient and stays above the fray, except when he doesn't. Tarnish their legacy? Really? Nah. They all did that when they turned a sure thing in the sheds into years in the courts and endless rounds of online protestations.

In a sense, only Blotzer is doing what people want: playing Ratt's music, with competent musicians, who play it well. Absent a viable alternative (and Croucier and Pearcy aren't providing any with the music they are playing live) this is the Ratt that isn't Ratt that we get.

I know what you mean, Allyson. I really do. But Ratt--the remaining, living, members--don't.
November 8, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Spot on Him. As always,you nailed it. As I listened to this posted version of "I Want A Woman" I was thinking to myself,"they should iron their 6th grade bitch fights out and get back together with this lad singing". Lol. He sounds just like the records,something Steven "I never met a substance or fan I couldn't abuse" Pearcy did. This version of Blotzs glorified tribute band actually sounds great IMO. Wanna know why? They're all hungry musicians,not jaded dudes who think they're doing folks a favor by showing up to "entertain" them....
November 8, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGary
What else could you expect from a bunch of RATTs?

They should have a RATT "Infestival", featuring all three versions of the band, each one playing a separate set list!
November 8, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I understand the back and forth about what is "right" with respect to the name. Personally, I wish Blotz would have kept this as his "experience," but having said that...these guys sound fantastic! I am jazzed to see them in January!
November 8, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterdfrank511
Like I've always said, great cover band. It honestly baffles me why these bands can't get it together and play the music for the fans under one version of the name....Ratt could get back together and tear it up. They still have potential 30 some odd years later to play big crowds and write good new music. Same thing with Great White and LA Guns. Jesus if Guns N Roses might be coming close, and if Faster Pussycat can do it, so can Ratt.
November 9, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDj
I know 4 outta these 5 guys, & I still don't care. Blotz is doing what he is legally allowed to do here. He's not deceiving anyone. If you even remotely care about anything Ratt, you know that only Blotz is involved from the Atlantic Recording lineup. Unfortunately, Warren would rather sit at home & get stoned. That's too bad, because he is a much better guitarist than Blaze.

Blotz just wants to play.. I don't blame him. Any musician should want to do the same. If someone could light a fire under Warren, get rid of Blaze & Doc, (nice guys) and just insert Cavazo & DiMartini, then this could continue to be a viable act. Having played w/ bassist Scotti Griffin, I can tell you he has the chops for this gig, and they could continue mining the nostalgia circuit for a few more years.

As it is, I'll be seeing this version in a couple weeks, but only because they're playing on the same bill as my friends in the re-formed version of The Babys.
November 9, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele
I would see this version of RATT if it came close by.

The only thing better would be if DeMartini got off his ass, and joined the band as well.

Would be killer to see RATT with 3 guitarists (plus insurance if one gets sick etc) Iron Maiden does it , so no reason RATT can't .
November 9, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCanadianMetal
Always Loved Ratt - it can never be now though, no matter how hard any of them try its just gone like King Crosby
November 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRed6ixx
Well put Red6ixx.

God Bless Robbin Crosby & God Bless Rock & Roll!
November 11, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I'll be out in Vegas the weekend after T-giving and noticed that "RATT and Firehouse along with the Babys are playing the Hard Rock...I'm guessing this is the Blotzer experience..but does anyone know for sure..thanks
November 11, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGene
Agreed, Red6ixx. Crosby was a very sad loss. Though, again, they did cycle through some quality replacements--as people and musicians--over the years.

And, after a month of nothing, there is new news: Blotz won the second round of legal pillow fighting. Seems as if he is free to proceed with his "experiences" as he sees fit for the time being.
November 12, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHim
You bring up a good point, HIM... RATT's had various very gifted artists playing different rolls over the years, most noticeably in the guitar department with such notable gunslingers as Michael Schenker and Carlos Cavazo filling Crosby's shoes, a testament to the stature of the "King", his knickname because of his towering height.

Perhaps the most notable, in the end, is Cavazo, as he contributed quite a few songs to "Infestation" and never stepped on DiMartini's shoes. And talk about his qualifications for the position, he was the first Heavy Metal guitarist to achieve #1 on Billboard's "HOT 100" with Quiet Riot's "Metal Health".
November 13, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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