80s In The Park This Weekend

80s In The Park festival is set for this weekend in Melbourne, Florida. Bands playing include Kix, Lita Ford, Slaughter, Firehouse, LA Guns and many more. Three day VIP is $139 a person. If you're planning on attending, please let me know!
Reader Comments (20)
Drum solo
Thanks Roy
Thanks Roy
I hope everyone who attends has a great time. Another great concert . . . not on the W. Coast! I hope someone posts a review.
[Wee little sidebar: someone needs to contact the promoter to inform them about the use of "apostrophe s" . . . some of their promotional materials seem to assert that the 80s own, or at least claim possession of, "in the park". That said, I do love 80's metal! Just a bit of fun from a guy who muddles things up every now and again . . . as in, "wee" is redundant of "little".]
p.s. Roy, I will check out Wicked. I recall you sharing footage of you and your son jamming out a while back and it was phenomenol. Just one look at their logo and I can tell he's with the right band. I am looking forward to seeing him live. Spyke, if you check out MASS, another band I'm excited to see, you'll realize they're more than just a Pop Metal band! ; )
hey, look froggy, this time 'round, they're listening.