Sweet and Lynch Release 'Afterlife' Video

Sweet & Lynch, featuring Michael Sweet of Stryper and George Lynch of Lynch Mob will release Unified on November 10 via Frontiers. The second single from that upcoming album is "Afterlife" and you can listen to it below. If you like what you hear, you can pre-order now on Amazon. What do you think?
This is the second release from Sweet & Lynch and it is a little different sound than what many might be expecting.
Reader Comments (6)
I like the chug to this song (and Bob is spot-on to note the Martin-era Sab sound, at least in the intro and certainly not in the vox).
The issue I have with this song is this: Sweet helming a chugging Sab-like song doesn't make a lot of sense. Not his wheelhouse. Lych, much more so. And that relates back to the hit and miss of the last album: excellent on paper, but not always in execution. Not due to any lack on either main players' part. Just an issue of how to combine the same.
One thing is clear: Sweet is handling lyric-duty. No doubt about that.
I like Sweet, but I'd rather hear this with DuG's vocals. I'll still get the album cause I luv to support my guitar gurus....
And, HIM, I was thinking the same thing regarding the lyrics, except one has to wonder if he's switched teams because of all the fireball imagery, especially shooting through the word "Afterlife". Also, pay close attention to the last dark cloud in the video. That sure as h*ll (haha!!) isn't the face of God the CGI guy has slipped in there front and center!