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Poison Release Tour Wrap Video

In case you missed Poison on tour this summer (I did), here's a 1-minute recap of all the fun. I suspect Poison will tour again next summer as well, but that's just a hunch. It would be nice if the band released a new song or two, but I've about given up on that dream.

Reader Comments (12)

Damn, get some new material already!!! Getting as bad as kiss with all different title albums with the same songs!!!!!!
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDale
They killed it when I saw em this summer, same greatest hits setlists, but was a fun time. I do hope they tour next year, and whether they make new music or not I think they should change up the set, add Cry Tough, Love On The Rocks, Back To The Rockin Horse, instead of cover songs and solos.
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDj
Never give up on your dream that they'll come up with a new song or two, or maybe an entire album. They all seemed to have a blast on stage, moreso than when they toured three or five years ago. Rikki Rockett is cancer free and seems pretty energetic, so hopefully they will get to it.
Have an awesome day.
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
What DJ said and I and many others have been saying here repeatedly for several years....

Fix the set list! I am going to assume the reason they still haven't done so is Brett Michaels is tone deaf, which also apparent by the fact he's never been able to sing his way out of a paperbag.

That said, together, they still make for an unbeatable combination far better than Micharls solo.

The h*ll with one or two new songs, take a cue from fellow Glamsters, L.A. Guns and RATT, and put out a REAL killer new album!!!

Oh, and as far as the set list goes, as I said, I agree with DJ but add "I Want Action" into the mix!
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
....or "I Won't Forget You", "Life Loves a Tragedy", "Valley of Lost Souls", etc.....
They have a lot of good songs to choose from to change up the Setlist!
Until they do, I will not go see them again!
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterGlamfly
I have gotten to the point that I refuse to go see a band that plays the same set list tour after tour. That being said, I haven't seen very many concerts lately. It seems everyone plays the same thing but why doesn't that get boring to the artists? You would think that switching it up would keep it interesting for them, it surely would for a fan. Most fans nowadays just buy or download singles (hits) and the rest of the album is almost throwaway material and is never heard. I think older bands now are content with releasing a couple of songs, if they release anything at all. There are a few exceptions. Take George Lynch for instance, that man has always got something going on. Either with his band, Lynch Mob, or some super group type thing he's put together. My only problem with him is that all of these projects tend to be one-off deals, so if it's really good you want another record that never happens. I do like when bands play full albums in their entirety, so at least you know you'll hear some songs that haven't been played in a while or quite possibly have never been played live at all.
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJCD
DAYUM. I want that blue Flying V that CC has in this video. I'd also like exactly what Dj said. Somehow I feel I have a better chance of scoring CC's killer axe than I do of the latter happening. Lol
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterGary
One the other hand, its understandable why they don't release new music and play with the same set, they're one of those bands where 90% of the crowd wanna hear the MTV hits. It's still fun and id still go, but a lot of their lesser known songs are very underrated. Maybe if the headlined they'd switch it up a bit.
August 30, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDj
"Nothing but the same time"

"Same skinny bop"

"Look what the cat dragged in (again)"

"Perpetually fallen angel"

People clamored for this reunion and they got . . . exactly . . . what . . . Michaels was going to give them. So no surprises. Could it be different? Yup. Should it? Yup. But you got the boys all back together. And you know that is all predicated on My Friend Flicka's whims and wishes, even if they all probably love the surge they get playing together again.

But this is not a band of brothers. It is not a band by committee. This is a band that is always going to be subject to one of them deciding, as he wishes, that they should do this or that, and not that or this. Simple stuff folks.

New music? You really think a band that operates in this fashion has the spit and fire to release anything worth a listen? I will eat a bandana if they can come up with something catchy.
August 31, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Haha!! HIM! Hilarious, insightful and tragic all at the same time! I would say, "as usual", but we really do try to avoid the "tragic" part.

You are so right about them having to follow Brett Michaels' lead, it's just too bad all his calculation is LCD (lowest common denominator).

I much prefer the song and a prayer attitude of L.A. Guns. I guess the difference is there is they had to live like paupers compared to quick buck "artist", Michaels. L.A. Guns came back around to the idea of putting out a quality album of excellent original tunes to reclaim artistic integrity, something Michaels knows nothing about.
August 31, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
"... wing and a prayer ...", dangin' keyboard, though I do think I just inadvertantly came up with a great album title, if I do say so myself!
August 31, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
🤡 ❄️ 🤡
September 1, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJack T.Ripper

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