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M3 Rock Festival 2018 Bands Announced

M3 Rock Festival will go down May 4,5,6 at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland. The bands for this year were announced yesterday. It didn't really go well. According to Facebook comments, people are overwhelmingly disappointed with the bands. Headliners include Kix, Queensryche and the Marshall Tucker Band. Click the link below for a little more info... and to check out the comments. I won't be attending. This is the same weekend as Aerosmith at JazzFest in New Orleans, so I'm already committed. 

Reader Comments (11)

the comments floor me. do the “fans” really think these were the only bands the promoter tried to get? they probably talked to 20-30 others. lighten up folks and take what you can while it’s around.
that said, if i lived close i’d be there. as it is, all those bands will be in my area (north TX) at some point during the year i’m sure, playing full sets (except maybe tyketto and last in line).
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Bottom line is that there have been many festivals in the past 10 years that have started off with the 80's rock bands......but most have now either dissolved or switched over to the more modern bands. M3 is the only one I know of that has stayed true to its roots for 10 years now. If we don't support it, this one will be gone too. While I long for a Rocklahoma 2007 or 2008....chances are it will never happen again. I will take what I can get.
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterNC Rocker
I was one of those disappointed and posted a comment. However, that doesn't mean I'm not going as there are definitely bands on the bill I would like to go see. The problem is that expectations were sky high as this is the 10 year anniversary, and the bill last year was so good that it was going to be hard to top it. The bill needs 2-3 more acts, including a real headliner for Saturday (Poison? Def Leppard? Whitesnake?) would have all been good. I don't get why Vince Neil isn't there given his band (Slaughter) is, so that makes no sense. And surely they could have gotten one of these: Firehouse, Trixter, Steelheart? And Ratt was awesome last year, would have loved to see them again, they can't be busy that weekend either? All that said, there's enough there though to make it enticing, it's just not overwhelming. Just my 2 cents.
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterSteverox
First, I had to google "Last in Line". Second, It's a coin-flip whether Loudness will be allowed entry into the United States this year as they were stopped last year due to Trump's travel bans and they were forced to cancel. And, third, if you've read Paul Stanley's book, they had to keep Tommy Thayer on reserve in Ace's costume and make-up because eh was and has always been unpredictable about showing up. GREAT (insert sarcasm).

This line-up reeks of Eddie Trump and his influence. He's been promoting the hell out of his saying the line up will be the best ever for the unbelievable 10th year anniversary. What do we have? Kix, friggin' again and as a headliner? They play gigs around here all year long and only get a few hundred people on a good night. Queensryche w/o Tate. Yawn. Even with Tate...Yawn. They are a poor man's Pink Floyd.

Highlights though are LA GUNS w/ tracii and phil, Pretty Boy Floyd (who have a new killer album out- public enemies, so check it out (, Tyketto is a good (not great) addition, and the rest, well, it is what it is.

But yeah, I'm in for 3 reasons. 1) I live in PA, so it's about a 2-2.5 hour car ride. 2) Going with my two buddies and son, so it's our male-bonding week-end and 3) I'm die-hard...that ain't changing. As Tom Keifer screeches, "You only go 'Once around the ride'".
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
The next festival that has positive comments for their lineup announcement on facebook will be the first. Gotta be difficult to put together a solid 80s hair metal specific lineup in 2018 unless 100% of the bands that you offered accepted.
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterWill
Will nailed it. Social media seems to be the exclusive domain of whiners and bullies.
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Bob: what do you think of M3's Sunday? Me? I already got tix for Sleazy Slimey Sunday.

I hope this link works:
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
I love the lineup. I believe me and my crew are making the trip.
January 30, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterKenny Ozz
NC Rocker nailed it. This is an inevitable fact of festival life going forward, as we are far past "peak" metal in terms of the classic bands that most want to see. Some have folded, others carry on in splintered (or multiple or varied) form, and still others are shells of their former selves, and a spirited few still bring most of the goods.

I won't say I predicted this sort of thing. But I, like many of you, was aware it was occurring. Reason being, simply put, time. Blaming Trunk is simply shifting the blame to a person who promotes the music we love even when his promises exceed a given festival's reach, finances, or what have you.

So you either adjust and adapt to an array of newer bands that deliver the goods, or you fold and pull out your cassettes and vinyl. Face it, folks. We are our parents now when it comes to the music that is being peddled at festivals. And it isn't going to get any better.
January 31, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Great comments, all, even Fletch, who, in another extraordinary moment of clarity, says it best.

If they got RATT, it would be WAY better.

For me, L.A. Guns with Tracii is the closest thing to an actual headliner, even though they are no billed as such.

Otherwise, it’s the same sh*t, different year (with the exception of Frehley).

And FINALLY, thank the Metal Godz, no frickin’ TeSLUG!!!
February 2, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Ah, not so fast...M3 just announced the "special VIP performance": Frank Hannon of Tesla. This is no joke. Oh, I'm overjoyed...(again, sarcasm people).
February 4, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterfletch

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