News Of The Week Roundup: Week 16, 2021

A pretty big week of news. The biggest story? Former cop Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd. The jury didn't even take very long to deliberate - just about 10 hours. It was the right decision.
Derek Chauvin taken away in handcuffs, remanded into custody after being found guilty on all 3 counts in George Floyd's death
— BNO News (@BNONews) April 20, 2021
Get your second COVID-19 vaccine dose, people. Especially if you live in America where vaccines are now plentiful. So many people in other countries are desperate for the vaccine, including our friends in Canada. Get fully vaxxed so we can have shows again!
Ted Nugent got a bad case of COVID-19. Of course, he called it a hoax up until he was sick... I guess getting a vaccine and wearing a mask isn't so stupid, after all.
Ted Nugent—the right-wing singer who’s spent the past year boring on about his ridiculous coronavirus and anti-vaccine conspiracy theories—has announced that he’s fallen badly sick with COVID-19
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) April 20, 2021
The Oscars telecast is tonight. I don't care and won't be watching, but I will scan Twitter quickly to see what colors are "in" for ballgowns this year.
Oscars Attendees Won't Have to Wear Face Masks on Camera as Third of Show's Budget Goes to COVID Safety
— People (@people) April 19, 2021
This is the single most significant article I've read in ages - and it must have resonated with a lot of other folks, too because it definitely made the rounds on traditional media the past week. Please give this a read - it sums up how so many of us are feeling these days.
... and I leave you with this: Dee Snider is not wrong here.
DEE SNIDER Rips 'Piece Of S**t' JON SCHAFFER: He Is 'An Embarrassment To The Metal Community'
Reader Comments (12)
1. If you got the first shot, what is stopping you from getting the second one?
2. Dee is just picking some low-hanging fruit on this one. But it does keep him in the mix, doesn't it?
3. Ted's quite a character. You pick the character. He picks the doctors.
4. Didn't watch the Odd Couples (minus Felix) either. I thought _Mank_ was superb and deserved more attention. But it falls squarely into that 'prestige' category that is now seen as taboo. And, granted, the screenplay leaned heavily on Kael's suspect and disparaged reporting (but nice to see a director stretching out a bit and also directing the screenplay his deceased dad wrote). _Promising Young Woman_ was also great. A genre film that twisted some of the conventions for maximum effect. Stellar performance from Mulligan.
5. Say what you will (and you will!!!) about the pandemic. But the impact it has had on people's emotional and physical health is real. No one would ever endorse an experiment if it was like this. But it happened and is happening. In my line of work, I deal with people that are carrying some very heavy burdens placed upon them over the last year-plus. So the challenge is to be empathetic, regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of thinking about what has been going on. Treat others as you wish to be treated is a cliche. But many cliches have a solid basis in truth. Be kind to each other, people. As we work our way out of the cave, it would be nice to think that the sun that shines also highlights smiles and good wishes from those we meet up with again . . . or for the first time.
I hope your week goes well.
While I am grateful to have had one, I get angry because the vaccines were designed for maximum effectiveness with the second dose 3 weeks after the first.
I just want to live life again. I know I'm not the only one. Trying to be patient but some days its really hard.
And I know it isn't right, but I secretly do a little dance when nay-sayers like Nugent get to experience first hand what the big deal is all about. Hope he survives but I hope he shuts his mouth now. He's an idiot.
And I was lucky to experience no side-effects. I am now two days from being where they think will you be after getting said shots. I count myself as lucky. But I am still doing what I can to be cautious, to be careful, and to be respectful of others. I really hope things speed up for you, Rita. I share your thoughts on all of this.
GNR, what are you aiming at with those links? Just curious. But they were interesting.
Jacque-Ripped-His-Zipper, do you paint? I ask because I would love to see the colors you use to make your portraits. You veer. You are, perhaps, a Vermeer. But you are certainly in a class of your own (most times, it helps to be in a school where others are allowed to sit next to you). You can take that as a compliment.
And if you want to consider me a dunce (as 'durp' is usually construed that way), I am okay with that too. Unless you were pointing your NERF blaster at yourself. In which case, kudos and be safe and kind. Words (and foam projectiles) are like weapons and they can hurt sometimes.
The up-caps, though? That was a bit much. You don't have to yell on BBG! Even people like me, living in a tent by the tracks, can hear you just fine over the din of the trains rolling by!
Hope you are doing well, Jacklyn Tiberius Rupert (a fine name, by the way, as your kid brother--and I like to kid--is a great chef, if a bit full of himself).
I appreciate all you do here. And calling me a tater is another sign of respect, as far as I am concerned. Your ability to blend astute wisdom with bafflement makes me like you even more!
As a wise sage once said (and I paraphrase): "Keep on posting in the free world!"
But why the acronym/slang chest-pounding? Did you just get done writing in your journal, elbows on your pillow as you think about that dreamy Dion fella? Projection is an _actual_ thing. It happens. And I expect better from you. Aside from bagging on your nom de plume (and, I should add, mine isn't as creative as yours), I think I have treated you fairly well. You say something. I reply. And so it goes.
Hope you are well. And thanks again for a fun bit of banter. Truly.