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M3 Rock Festival Announces July 4th Weekend Date

M3 Rock Festival will happen this year - over Independence Day weekend, Friday, July 2 - Sunday, July 4 at Merriweather Post Pavilion near Baltimore in Maryland. Lineup is below. This is a hard weekend - if folks are comfortable traveling, they likely already have plans and things like hotel rooms and flights are extra expensive because of the holiday. It is also usually crazy hot on July 4th weekend in America, too. The lineup has shifted from what was originally announced. It looks like Tesla is no longer part of the bill.

Tickets are still available.

Reader Comments (11)

looks like an amazing lineup! The only band I know are Little Ceasar
April 27, 2021 | Unregistered Commentercrued
ERRR don't know...
April 27, 2021 | Unregistered Commentercrued
I went every year from 2011 to 2017. I really want to head back, but this is a thin line up. Reunited Bang Tango and Bulletboys are amazing, but this bill needs Ratt and Tesla added back to headline the last 2 nights. I love Night Ranger, but 2 secondary members of Queensryche are not even close to an headline level act. Not to mention that the replacement singer just released a solo album where he does not sound a single stich like Geoff Tate. That only confirms how disingenuous that line up is.
April 27, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterSparkyDR99
Friday - solid with Kix and Slaughter. Saturday - ugh... that's definitely the "day" acts. Any chance to see Steelheart and Winger can be fun. Sunday - just fine. Wish it was Jack Russel vs. Great White, but hey beggars can't be choosers. LA GUNS should be closing :) Night Ranger is fine, just not quite.
April 27, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
Whoops, wrong LA GUNS. I take back my original thoughts. Riley's LA Guns should be the opening band on the opening night playing Cocked and Loaded from front to back, that's about it.
April 27, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
Let me show you how a professional gets it done. Class dismissed!

All those times that I spent in some spoiled supervisor's office explaining what I just did...after they sent me out there.
April 27, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Sparky (can I call you that and just drop the DR99?), I hear you. But I have also heard this version of 'Ryche with La Torre. Several times. They do a good job of doing the old songs justice. And I hate to admit that. But, after seeing them first with the Scorps and then with Fate's Warning, I had to admit: he can sing; they sound good; the audience seemed pretty happy. So what am I to do? I guess I either accept that or I don't. I chose to accept that.

And bagging on him for doing something different on a solo album seems like an odd diss.So you don't like his solo album; ergo, I don't like his stuff with 'Ryche. Hmm? Care to speak on Crimson Glory? Just want a fuller picture. And, by the way, I still like Tate . . . with huge qualifications. He was a powerful singer. He is still a great front man. He has an ego larger than his vineyard. He has improved in recent years. But, well, we move on (and I hasten to add, it sounds as if he caused the 'moving on' thing to happen, even if it also sounds as if the rest of the band was cashing checks after DeGarmo bounced and before Rockenfield disappeared).

The band was a circus. Seems to have settled into a groove. I give them credit for that, even if I don't like their newer songs . . . but enjoy their performance of the classics. By the way: what does DR99 reference? Just curious.

I'd love to see a show like this. But I doubt this is my year. So when will the BBG! 'Gathering of the Tribe" event happen?!?!2022? 2023? What must we do to make this happen? My hunch? Perhaps a specific engagement in Vegas. What that is, I have no idea. But I am still hoping!
April 30, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@Him did you know Geoff has a side project that at times sounds like ryche? they are called "Sweet Oblivian featuring Geoff Tate" they put out an album this year called "Relentless"
i like it. @Him here's a song I really like from their previous album called "True Colors" what ya think buddy?
I'm sooo wanting to do a"gathering of the tribe" is that a thing? and Vegeshh would be awesome!
April 30, 2021 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Hello again, Crued, Seems we have the place to ourselves!

Yes, quite aware of Sweet Oblivion. And I think you are right, as they do nod to 'Ryche insofar as Tate's voice is such a recognizable one. I think the crucial thing is that others are helping to make the magic happen. Tate, left to his own devices, does not seem to have that 'spark' that is necessary. And SO certainly fits where his voice is these days (and his voice, overall, has greatly improved in the last year or so).

Is the Gathering of the BBG! Tribe a thing? It is, at least in my mind. I think it would be wonderful. And I can't think of a better (or worse, depending on how you view things) place than Vegas. Me? Personally? I can't stand The Strip anymore. In news that will surprise no one, I enjoy Fremont St. It is a carnival of stupid and a free view of life in the rear view. I certainly head to The Strip for shows and dinners. But I prefer to get as far away as possible once those things are done. And I would go anywhere in Vegas if a group of us were willing to pull that all together.
May 1, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@Him dead on the sweet comment. hay man my e-mail is
I've never been downtown always stayed at the hard rock (of course) hahha whats Freemont street like?
May 1, 2021 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Crued, it is dirty and odd and fun. There is the perfect dive bar, The Griffin (which, in fact, is not old or divey, and is a one-off of a place in LA, though they made it look just like it was a local watering hole from years ago . . . as with lots of Vegas, there is this veneer that seems real and then you scratch it and the faux-grime peels off!!!).

Fremont St. itself is, and I mean this with all due respect, as if Walmart exploded and people decided to stick around and see what would happen. Street performers, three stages (on the weekends, playing different genres of music). The garish awning with its light show (haven't seen the new version unveiled since I last visited). Cheap (in both good and horrid ways) drinks and eats. Some of the legacy casinos that just eke out their existence under the neon-canopy. But also some real treats. Atomic Liquors is close by, the 'oldest freestanding bar in Vegas', where people once watched nuke tests on the roof-top deck! The Neon Museum is also close, with many of the signs of old Vegas in various states of repair and disrepair.

I just don't 'fit' with The Strip these days. I want to have fun and feel like I can put my normal life on the side for a bit. The Strip feels like a claustrophobic cacophony of sadness, over-priced and over-visited. Like I said, for shows and for some good food, The Strip is the place. But I can't wait to get out of there afterwards. Let me put it this way: Fremont Street is like Reno, if Reno was inviting, enjoyable, and not sad and scary (and I say that as a person whose last set of concerts were in Reno . . . and still find it fun in an odd way; and certainly better than the cluster that is Lake Tahoe . . . RIP Lakeside Inn and Casino!).
May 2, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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