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News Of The Week Roundup: Week 30, 2021

So now it's August. I can't believe we're already into the eighth month of the year and summer is winding down. It's been a mixed bag summer for me so far. I did get to go to Walt Disney World in June. The following week, I was on a normal training run, tripped and broke my shoulder (I've never broken a bone before). So the past six weeks I've been in a sling and also not permitted to drive. Of course I broke my right shoulder, which is my dominant arm. That means typing - especially at the beginning of my injury - was ridiculously painful and slow. In fact, whenever I had to write something, I would peck it out with my left hand only. You'll note I never missed posting a single day during this entire fiasco.

I am hopeful that I get good news at my next round of X-rays next week and that I get out of my sling and can start to rehab and drive again. I assume physical therapy is going to be painful, but it is what it is. I have to get my arm back to full range of motion. The accident meant the half marathon I was training for isn't happening now, either. I deferred my registration until next year. Oh well I guess. I've read it can take a full year to get back to optimal strength. I want to start lifting weights again soon. 

I can't believe I haven't been in a pool all summer yet (thanks again, sling!). I am hoping to get some pool time this month. And last night I saw my first concert since the beforetimes! I saw Brit Floyd with Eric and my friend Joe. It was a fun, sold-out show with great music. Who can argue with "Comfortably Numb" live?

Since my injury, I've had lots of time to read books, watch news and stare at the wall. The news over the past week was a lot about the Olympics and the resurgence of COVID-19 thanks to the Delta variant and the unvaccinated.

The single biggest story out of the Tokyo Olympics is gymnast superstar Simone Biles pulling out of competitions to focus on her mental health. And good for her. Elite athletes are not toys built for our amusement, programmed to "perform" on a whim. Not being in the right headspace when flipping and flying through the air is dangerous. Simone is smart for knowing when to step back. Hopefully her actions bring more awareness to mental health, period. Gymnastics is a career for Simone, the same way some of us program computers, write articles or teach kids. When work pushes too hard and things become overwhelming, all of us has the absolute right to push back and protect ourselves.




Florida is ground zero for the current COVID-19 surge. The state is setting new records for cases and hospitalizations, despite the fact that there is a vaccine that can basically stop the virus in its tracks. The vaccine is available to everyone in America, for free and basically on demand at this point. But alas, here we are.



The massive numbers of unvaccinated folks in America - along with some new study findings - lead the CDC to reverse decisions on masking. Now, if you live in a COVID "red zone" the CDC says you should mask indoors regardless of vaccination status. That's because the CDC now knows that even vaccinated folks can transmit the disease - with high viral loads. This is disappointing news to learn of course.




And I leave you with these interesting images:


Reader Comments (11)

Sorry to hear about your shoulder, Allyson! I haven’t been in the pool either, more because there are still some COVID measures in place and drop-ins are not an option.
August 1, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMike
What Mike said, Allyson! You are a champ for keeping the lights on even while you were dealing with the injury. Yet again, it points to why we should all pitch in and buy you something. Best wishes for your ongoing recovery!

I haven't been in a pool either. But that is because, for the most part, I find them to be gross cesspools of other people's detritus. Having owned a hot tub for the past few years, I now know what it is that you use chemicals to remove or hold back. The idea of going into a public pool or hot tub makes me want to gag nowadays. But I have dipped my toes in the ocean on a couple of occasions!

Those pictures of the shuttered amusement park in NO made me smile. For a few years, I was really into websites that documented abandoned places around the world. One of those rabbit hole things.

I say the following with no interest in politics: a person close to me had their unvaccinated grandmother die in recent weeks from the virus. On the other hand, another close friend had their parents, who were vaccinated, get the virus and, rather quickly, recover. Another friend had their brother die from complications that seem to be from getting the virus, even after they got vaccinated. So there is still risk. There are still things that we can all do to keep ourselves and others safe. But this is a virus. Positive thoughts and a can-do attitude don't mean squat. And even being cautious doesn't mean that you (or me, or others) are out of the woods just yet.

Me? I am vaccinated. Why? I have two stents in my heart. I figured, it can't hurt. And it didn't. But that doesn't mean I can't get it and spread it to someone who could then die. Just me being me (or Him). And do I still wear a mask? Well, sometimes, when I am indoors. Right now, I take it on a case-by-case basis. It has been nice to mingle with more friends, indoors and out, for the first time in a long time. Spending a year-plus in my tent by the river was not a fun time! But I got to know some squirrels on a first name basis! They are surprisingly friendly.

I don't really watch much of the Olympics. True, there are some interesting moments. But I find them to be, on the whole, such a money suck for those who host them, when that money could be diverted to other causes and do more good. Then again, I am not a big sports person either. But I get the pull. I hope those who watched enjoyed the pageantry.
August 2, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@Him… well said! I have similar stories regarding the vaccinated and the unvaccinated . Everybody needs to do what’s right for themselves and their families. Be safe Peeps!
August 2, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
@Ally-Kat had NO idea you were hurt! /me warms up some chicken soup for ya!
@Him you need to dip more than your toes in the ocean brother! being in the water clears your mind and body of anything icky heheh I used to live on Maui so I know about the Oceans healing power brah ;)
another great post @him!!
August 2, 2021 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Damn Allyson, that sucks & sorry to hear it. Sounds like you’ve had about as shitty of a last yr and a half as I have. But hopefully you have a quick & easy recovery! I’m vaccinated as well but I know there’s still no guarantees though. I just figure as much as I hate wearing those dumbass masks(although I always did while being somewhere that mandated them) the least I can do is get the vaccine. As for the Olympics, it looks like the US may take it all & im always down for America to get the W! Btw, like you I haven’t been able to sit by the pool & soak in the rays as much as I usually do, but I’ll try to make up for it next summer. Nothing like drinking a nice cold beverage, relaxing in the sun, and then cooling off in the cool water! 🙌🏼
August 2, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the CDC now recommending doing the exact same things that didn’t work the first time? Asking for a friend.
August 2, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGary

Get vaccinated or DIE!

The choice is yours.
August 3, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
A co worker of mine was in complete remission of prostate cancer. 6 weeks after the vaccine it has spread throughout his body at an alarming rate. Could the a vaccine be the cause? Maybe, Maybe Not. He told me last week he should have never taken it. I still have the antibodies almost a year later. No way I’m getting that Vaccine while I have my own immune system protecting me. I recovered from Covid in 4 days and have no long term side effects. Not worth the Risk for Ripper! To each is their own. Do what you feel is bestir you. ✌🏿 and ❤️
August 3, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJack T. Ripper
These posts are why I love this place! Not a real agreement on the issues. But some respect, some sharing, and some honest opinions. KEEP IT UP!!!

My only, respectful caveat is this: you can get vaccinated and still die. Then again, nothing is certain. So you do what you need to do, for you, and for others, and then, basically, you have to hope for the best. Sure, there are less and more reckless approaches to all of this . . . but this virus, and what it does to people, is a new wrinkle in an old truth: do your best and hope it is enough. Not sad, really. But a truth.

Gary, in answer to your friend Yrag's question, I think you hit on the sweet spot of all of this. It's hard to put down a hard and fast answer when the question keeps moving. So, you hope those who know best try their best. And you hope they correct themselves when they are wrong or when the information changes. Consider masks. They are horrible. I hate wearing them. I hate most everything about them. But . . . the flu? This past season? Where did it go? And, so as to be a true contrarian, that leads me to worry: what the hell is gonna happen this upcoming flu season? I think we can all agree on this paradox: viruses are a lot dumber than we are and a lot smarter than we think we are. Now as ever, vaccines are only ever a _part_ of the solution. And even that part is tentative at best.

Crued, where I live, even in the summer, dipping more than your toe in the ocean requires a wet suit!!! That said, I got to spend some precious time--after a year--with my family, tubing down a river and soaking in a lake. Both had temperatures in the low-70s!!! So I am good for now. But I hear ya'.
August 5, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@Him Yrag (the brains of the operation) thinks you should have a job as the head of Mario Cuomo’s re-election committee. You’re probably the one person alive that could get him back in the public’s good graces. You’re a constant voice of reason. It’s refreshing in this completely partisan era we are suffering through.

That said, Gary (the goon babbling moron of the operation) suggests that to accomplish this , leading off with the campaign slogan “Mario Cuomo,Slapping Fannies and Killing Grannies since 2019” may not be the ideal way to kick off said campaign. Good luck and to quote Motley “ Knock ‘em Dead Kid”. 😂👍👍
August 5, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Gary and Yrag, you are both good blokes! And I think you should submit that slogan. It has a nice ring to it!

In all seriousness, I was once told that I should do one of two things with my life (besides also being told about my need for an editor): be a lawyer or go into speech-writing. I chose neither. I was also on a path to be a journalist (was one for a brief second). But I dodged that bullet too. So now I sit in my tent, waxing philosophically. It suits me. Orwell's "Politics and the English Language" remains as relevant today as it was when it was written. And lawyers? They are like the Grim Reaper. When you see one, you know something has gone sideways!

I really try to see all sides of things. As with everyone, I occasionally slide into a partisan pose and hold my ideas up. But I think that humility, and a good sense of humor, help to make this world a lot more tolerable. What's the point of learning you made a mistake if it doesn't inform your subsequent decisions (that's pragmatism for you)? The other bonus? I have friends that tilt in all directions. And we can sit down, share a drink, discuss issues, and disagree. And we are still friends. Again, there is a place for bombast. But, like salt, nowadays I use it sparingly!
August 6, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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