Thank You Mick Mars, For All The Memories

As you probably know, Mick has a debilitating disease called Ankylosing spondylitis which makes moving incredibly painful over time. Mick has been living with the condition for decades.
I was amazed (in a good way!) that Mick made it through The Stadium Tour over the summer. That was a lot of dates and it is clear his condition is worsening. Also, he isn't 30 anymore. No word if John 5 really will replace Mick in the touring version of Motley. I thank Mick for so many good concert memories and I'm glad I got to see the original Crue lineup live many times!
Motley Crue guitarist and founding member Mick Mars will no longer tour with the band due to his ongoing painful struggle with Ankylosing Spondylitis, although he will continue as a member.
— Variety (@Variety) October 26, 2022

Reader Comments (11)
I have some second-hand experiences with AS. One of my exes has it. Another one had a brother who had it (he has since passed). Not fun. No . . . way. That Mars brought a level of maturity to a rowdy band full of yoots, and continued to stay the course even as his condition has grown worse, is a testament to his role in make MC the band it was, not is.
Appreciate it, Mars. Truly do.
The thing is Motley shouldn’t have had to make this switch, having retired in 2015 and all.
To quote Tommy Lee : “ The last thing we ever wanna do is go out running on two cylinders with some hired guy playing guitar; that's just wack. So we wanna go out with one big hurrah with the original guys and be done with it."
And you are poking the bear that is bkallday. Careful. He gets a bit excited at times. Sure, he can bash on MC whenever he wants. No problemo. But, you? Or me? Or anyone else? Then . . . it . . . is . . ON!!! And if you happen to be a woman, he might even throw in some good ole' jabs that the people at the old people's home love. On the other hand, he can be temperate and fair too. Heck, he and I both love Slayer. It is a slender piece of common ground (there are other tufts in between him being tough that we share). And, generally speaking, I enjoy reading what he wrote (even when I have to go 'oh, there you go again . . .').
To bkallday's point, however, I was inspired by Lee when I was a kid. Thought he was awesome. But, then, I grew up and he didn't. Sixx? I assumed a lot about him back in the Metal Edge and Circus days. As with Ozzy, it was better when I didn't know a lot about the bands/artists. It kinda' ruins it with a lot of them. With Mars? Not at all.
And, to your point, Sarcasto: I actually don't think he is the only one who cares in MC. I think, as wage-earners, Lee and Neil care (more or less, as a paycheck is a paycheck, esp. when it is a REALLY GOOD paycheck). And Sixx certainly cares, as he is the one in the driver's seat in terms of all their new releases. So, in an understandable way, I actually think Sixx cares more than Mars about MC. I just don't think his concern resonates with some of us die-hard old timers. Which is fine. They still sell out (you know, the market decides). Mars? I think he finally realized he should care more about what time he has left. I wish he had done that sooner.
And baiting a hook is soooooo easy with Bkallday. He always has to show his bona fides. ALWAYS. Problem is, he just keeps shooting himself in the pinky-toe (figuratively, not in a roid' sorta' way).
Snowflake: who me?!?!
Gender/sex pronouns: who brought that up? I was just implying that you are a sexist pig on occasion.
The middle section of his tirade was a bit hit-or-miss, as it was hard to figure out who he was launching on. But, you know. Bkallday . .. every day!
PC: methinks that Bkallday has a sock puppet that he confusingly thinks is me (or maybe a Topo Gigio doll his dad gave him when he got his GED). Thing is, I judge you on what . . . you . . . actually . . . write. I don't launch into fanfic based on a fever dream that came to me while I was at the 'Box doing burpies.
Crue haters and record sales: do you ever stop with this? First, not a hater. A fan. So, like you, I can comment when a band makes me, as a fan, angry/sad/confused. Second, record sales are great things. People buy music. We get it. But, if this is your dribble bib version of formal logic, you need to work on your syllogisms. They . . . do . . . not . . . work (at least the way you think they do). Here, let's do one:
All Crue fans buy their records;
Bkallday and Him are fans; therefore,
They both buy Crue records.
End result: So? Crickets. A bag floating in the breeze. Other stuff.
(Full disclosure: I realize that doubling the agency in the second premise is a no-no. I just wanted to point out that Bkallday's logic is, well, wanting.)
And, finally, love you Bkallday. You keep the ship moving. Forward? Sure. I guess. But on a site that has fewer posts these days, you are bright light for some ideas. I love it. SLAYER!!!!