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'Take What You Want' -- New Def Leppard Track

Def Leppard just released another new track from their upcoming album Diamond Star Halos. The song is called "Take What You Want." The new album is due the end of May. The new track is a rock anthem with a throwback Def Lep guitar intro. All that said, the vocals sound a little off to me. I guess the song just doesn't sound like Joe Elliott. I suppose that is studio tools at work. Still, I really do like "Take What You Want." What do you think?

Reader Comments (11)

Best song from them in a long time-nice heavy hook and tone!
April 20, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterTexJay
@TexJay i 100% agree that hook is a killer! so is the guitar solo! you can tell Vivian starts off and Phil finishes it. I cant wait for this!
April 21, 2022 | Unregistered Commentercrued
wonder if @him and @metalboi are gonna rag on this?? tee-hee
April 21, 2022 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Oh, crued. You are sweet. Rag on a something-second clip? Nah. Not me.

They will continue to fill the stadiums with Mom jeans. High and dry? Most likely. And, to be fair, with dad pants that are far too tight to handle the load. Back in the day, that might have sounded a bit more saucy. Now it is more related to the sauce that they put on their food.

I kid. But, really, this is just some past-the-hump Def Lep, doing what they do. And who is gonna blame them? Not me. When you knick T. Rex for your album title? Hmm. Your heroes, right? But do I expect them to bring it like Bolan? No. No, I don't. Do I even expect them to bring it like Def Lep at this point? Same answer. And I must add, crued, that I have praised Elliott for his improved vocals in recent years (search, as I will wait). I have even seen them in recent, pre-pandemic years. And would they sweeten his vocals in the studio at this point? Of course they would. They have had robots playing drums on their albums since _Pyro_, and that isn't a slam against Allen, but a comment on some of their studio choices even early on . . . in the studio. Make the magic work for you, I say.

When you hear a great song in a 13 second clip and hang that comment on the fact that there is a hook you like, you are, to my mind, dabbling in a bit of fantastic sorcery: squint and your ears hear what you want. But the eyes never lie, as the times they are a' changing. And I do that all the time too. So I feel like we are all engaged in the past since it is sorta' still here in the now. Sorta'. And I am glad that Lep is still around, waving the flag, albeit a beat or two more slowly these days.

I love me some Lep. I owe them a debt. But I know where they are and where I am. So I am good, crued. All good.


PS: What's with the 'boi' thing, crued (I am going down-cap since you are too)?!?! Please fletch (I mean, fetch) me a dictionary to unlock the discerning puns with which you play.
April 22, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Edit: I listened to the clip posted by Allyson when I posted. Then I listened to the full song on another site.

For this era of Lep, it does rock somewhat. Then it goes into a Beatles dirge, then it goes back to rocking. And Allyson is still right (as am I), Elliott's vocals are washed and dried (not high, necessarily). Passable, and in keeping with this era of the band. Not a bad song at all.

Let me put it this way: Bolan is probably smiling down on these guys, then turns, with a flourish, and winks.
April 22, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
i could barely make it through the full song. so pedestrian. i wonder who is in charge of toning down these guys, they are better than this.
April 22, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterstu
ok, @Him - I`ll give you a pass on the acid tongue comments as you only heard the 15-sec clip, at first. I was gonna get @allyson involved to get you canceled! I`m so kidding! Love your comments you're a very well-spoken man. one thing you GOTTA admit ... Phil Collen is a beast of a guitar player!
April 22, 2022 | Unregistered Commentercrued
I can certainly admit that, crued. Certainly. And thanks for the compliment. I am well-spoken, most of the time. Sharp-dressed? Never!

And we can all admit that Collen should put his shirt back on. We get it. You are doing a lot of work on your upper-body. You also like some sort of grease. Cool. You do you. But cover it up. It's icky when Coverdale shows a bit of his chest. It is also icky when you do it. Then again, Mom jeans.

I think that we can also admit that Willis is missed. But he made his own bed. And Clark, sadly, exited far too soon.

As much as it sounds like I am/was ragging on Lep, I still love those guys. I just don't care much for their output these days. But would I go see them? Sure thing. Just not on that stinky tour they are about to embark on. Outdoors, with three other bands? Awesome. In stadiums, with other bands ruining their legacy? No thank you.
April 23, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
@Him please watch this!
April 26, 2022 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Informative blog
April 29, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterSuresh Anagani
Crued, I don't need you begging me to watch stuff. I will gladly f[l]etch the video.

It was an interesting review. I love the use of 'belter'. But the guy is a fanboy, which I am not. I am just a fan, esp. these days. And when you try too hard to say that a band is recapturing their 'big' years (after admitting that you listened to this on your damn phone?!?!), you are pushing a bit much.

Like I sad, good song for this late-era version of the band.

Suresh, why don't you post here more often? Join in. Add to the comments. Give us your take.
April 29, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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