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Santa Cruz, 'Under The Gun' -- New Video

Finnish band Santa Cruz has a new video out for their song "Under The Gun." This really is a good song and hopefully things are turning around for the band after the "live" debacle at the Whisky earlier this month. If you don't know what I am referring to regarding the debacle, I linked up an article below the video. It's all ridiculous.

Reader Comments (1)

Methinks the band is good, not great. Wish them the best.

But me also thinks that Archie has some issues he needs to handle. And he has, to a degree. But you look at the line-up situation and you have to think: "Hmmm . .. maybe there is one person that is the problem?!?!?"

Then you look at how he handled the 'debacle' (as Allyson called it). He leaned too far into acting like it was deliberate, slamming people who noticed . . . what everyone noticed. Then he apologized (and blamed demon alcohol). Now he is playing the Whiskey again tomorrow. I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity.

But, yeah, there is. When you are a loose cannon with issues in a band that has/d some cred, you are wearing yourself thin and testing the patience of those who might actually support you.

This isn't the '80s. Not even the '90s. Archie, you best check that smirk. It befits a legit rock star who has miles of cred to burn. It will look stupid on the guy working at the Neste Express in Helsinki, always trying to get people to notice him while he rings them up for their petrol and freezer-burned Kalakukko (not sure if that is a thing, but, well, you know).
April 24, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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