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Sunday's Best: Week 16, 2022

It's Sunday again and another busy week is in the books. The weather here was awesome yesterday and looks to be the same today. Dare I say it was even a little... hot? Well, it felt that way after four hours of yard work!

Today, for your Sunday's Best pleasure, a stupid web-ad for Motley Crue's new coffee. Yes, Motley has coffee now. The coffee is brewed by Brewtality Crew. The coffee is $20 is a bag. There are T-shirt bundles too.

Reader Comments (6)

I'd slam them for this, but . . . everyone's doing it. It hurts no one. It is the thing to do when you are a spry band on the go or one that is much, much longer in the tooth.

You want coffee? Hot sauce? Booze? Soap? Pet rocks? Graphic novels? COVID-19 masks? Non-fungible tokens? Weed? Soundboard recordings of shows no one (well, someone) ever wanted to listen to in the first place? Crypto? Plush toys? Action figures? Well, if you love a band, they are probably selling one or more of those things.

Some are more, and some much less, related to their musical adventures. But a b(r)and can't live on album sales alone. And merch at the now restarted tour only goes so far. So support the bands you love.

And, circling back, think about it: the best part of waking up is Tommy Lee in your cup. Yuck!
April 25, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Just another example of how KISS was way ahead of the game with marketing and every other band has been playing catch-up for 30+ years.
April 25, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
does the motley coffee come with Tommy's miniature dick stirrers?
April 25, 2022 | Unregistered Commentercrued
you're right @Jeff!
April 25, 2022 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Not necessarily catch-up at all, Crued and Jeff.

KISS (well, Gene did, and I assume Paul was okay with it) understood merchandising before it made sense. Sorta' like what happened with Star Wars. The idea of branding is quite old. But for movies, and music, it too a bit longer to, well, take. So there's that.

Thing is, these newest ventures aren't cases of catch-up at all. They are form of get-some. When your halo of invisibility craters, you grab for crumbs. And you get some. But these instances are copies, of copies, of copies, of the playbook.

Catching up implies you were wise to the game when the game was still good. Copying implies you now feebly try to approximate what others did, and copied, when you were too concerned with navel-gazing, groupies, album sales, etc.

Perhaps I'm splitting heirs. But no one is going to inherit my inherent sense of righteousness!

That said, if this is a definitional battle, I will defer to Jeff. He is right in spirit.
April 29, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Dear Editor Him,

Please note the following:

"They are form of get-some" should read "They are a form of get-some."

"halo of invisibility" should read "halo of invincibility."


Writer Him
May 1, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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