Saturday night, Eric and I headed to Harrison, Ohio (it’s near Cincinnati) to see John Corabi / Winger/ Tom Keifer Band.
The show was at the Blue Note. A nice venue, with sort of a weird indoor layout, but the outside was nice for a rock show. Basically a big stage was in a parking lot. It worked.
John Corabi did an all-acoustic set. Eric poked me in the ribs when John started “Hooligan’s Holiday.” I love that song but it just isn’t the same acoustic. I noticed a few folks wearing Union shirts and I thought that was nice. A couple standing next to me wearing those shirts later bought new Corabi merchandise. In the end, Corabi’s set was short and I did admittedly talk through a lot of it with a person I met at the show. Shout out to Mike from Lexington! He was at the show because he had been trying to see Tom Keifer live for about 20 years!
Winger’s set was awesome and tight as always. Yes, I got to hear “Down Incognito” and of course “Miles Away.” The band also did a couple tracks off their new album Seven. People were really getting into it, especially as the show went on. “Headed for a Heartbreak,” “Easy Come Easy Go” and “Madalaine” were all big highlights for me. So was seeing Kip Winger in his little microphone headset. It never gets old seeing him wear that thing.
Tom Keifer Band’s set started out with some nutty technical difficulties. Like, crazy loud and screechy feedback that gave way to an actual song. The feedback drug on and I was about to put in ear plugs. It was pretty painful until “Hot & Bothered” really got going. Even still, I was having trouble making out the words to the song.
During the part of the show where the band always takes a group selfie with the crowd, the soundboard made some weird “boing boing” noise. I assume it was on purpose (for whatever reason) but then Tom made a comment on all the weird technical stuff so I knew that was a weird mistake, too.
Show highlights were “Night Songs,” “Shake Me” and “Gypsy Road.” The biggest disappointment was that the band didn’t play “The Last Mile” which is my very favorite Cinderella song.
Oh and sorry for the delayed review. I’m having a lovely bursitis flare that is making typing really freaking painful. Really awesome during the workday, too. And no old age jokes either. This bursitis is from when I broke my shoulder running two years ago – and landing on my elbow was a really nice side injury. Every day is an adventure I guess.