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Entries in Kwanzaa (1)


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 51, 2021

I hope everyone had a nice holiday yesterday and happy Kwanzaa to those who celebrate! A short news roundup today, simply because I didn't follow many stories last week. I was just too busy with work and getting ready for Christmas.

Some breaking news today - Desmond Tutu has died. He was a pioneer in the fight against apartheid. The world will miss him.

For the first time in two decades, no troops were deployed during Christmas because of war in Afghanistan. Thanks Biden. Thanks Trump.

The U.S. economy grew more than expected in the third quarter.

Cases of COVID-19 Omicron are exploding across the world. When you go into an indoor public place, wear a mask, but choose a better one than handmade cloth. Get an n95 or kn95.

And I leave you with this - shut up and take my money!

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