Every time I watch a classic Glam video on YouTube, there's at least 12 comments that all basically say "Why can't music today sound like this?" For years now, I've read those comments and just shook my head a little. Then, a few hours ago, it just sort of hit me: "Why the hell can't music today sound like [insert classic Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Cinderella, Aerosmith]?" Professional music is a business after all. It is driven by what the consumer wants and will pay for. It seems like a lot of consumers are asking for music that sounds like Hysteria... but are they just not willing to pay for it? Or do the labels just not care? Basically pop country has evolved out of the model of Glam metal (yes, seriously). I don't care for country at all, but it is a music format that works... and sells albums. I guess Hip Hop or R&B sell too because that's all you see on every music awards show these days. I watched the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night and I didn't know 80% of the acts... and I'm 34!
So what's going on here? Is it because labels all basically suck now and don't support their talent or put money behind them? Is it because artists can just make their own albums with a laptop and release via Facebook so there isn't a big marketing machine? Is it really because people just steal music? I'll be honest, all the people I know in real life buy music - none of my friends steal. Maybe it's because we're a little older, all grew up actually buying tapes and CDs and really appreciate music.
If an album came out today that sounded like, say, Hysteria, would it be successful? Would it reach a RIAA Diamond status like the real Hysteria? People say it's impossible to even go platinum these days, but that isn't true. Plenty of new acts have done it. Lady Gaga is a great example. She sort of came out of nowhere and made her own way. Then again, she's commercial pop, had a huge label pushing her and radio went "gaga" over her debut and subsequent tunes.
So do people REALLY want current music to sound like 1988 Whitesnake or not? Or is it just us rockers that know and appreciate real music (and talent)?