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Entries from May 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014


'The Senior Chronicle' and KISS (Sort Of)

The Senior Chronicle is a Dayton, Ohio area publication aimed at Baby Boomers and Seniors. This week, the paper has a KISS tribute band on the cover. The band goes by Mr. Speed and is billed as "the nation's best KISS tribute band."

In case you're in Ohio, Mr. Speed is playing at the Clark County Fair on July 20. I'll let the community provide commentary on this one.

Happy Saturday!


Holiday Plans?

Americans, summer is officially upon us. Memorial Day is Monday, and that's when my favorite season really kicks off.

Most notably Rocklahoma is going down in Pryor, Oklahoma this weekend. I'm jealous of everyone headed to the fest! A lot of other summer tours are going to be kicking off and kicking into high gear - it always seems like summer just absolutely flies by and before you know it, it's snowing again. So who has great plans this weekend? I'm personally excited that pools will be opening and Kings Island (an amusement park close to me) will finally be on daily operation. Yes, I'm a perpetual 12 year old!

Have a great Friday and holiday weekend!


Caleb Johnson Wins 'American Idol'

I used to be a big fan of American Idol but I just didn't watch it much this year. I don't care for the judges and in general, I think the show just isn't very good these days. Still, I popped in to the season enough to know contestant Caleb Johnson. Caleb was the show's resident rocker and you might recall I posted a clip of him covering Whitesnake a few weeks ago. Well, Caleb won the entire contest last night. During the show he performed with KISS. It wasn't the most amazing performance, but I'm sure Caleb had fun. Hopefully Caleb will be able to release a real rock record.


'Why Can't Music Sound Like This?'

Every time I watch a classic Glam video on YouTube, there's at least 12 comments that all basically say "Why can't music today sound like this?" For years now, I've read those comments and just shook my head a little. Then, a few hours ago, it just sort of hit me: "Why the hell can't music today sound like [insert classic Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Cinderella, Aerosmith]?" Professional music is a business after all. It is driven by what the consumer wants and will pay for. It seems like a lot of consumers are asking for music that sounds like Hysteria... but are they just not willing to pay for it? Or do the labels just not care? Basically pop country has evolved out of the model of Glam metal (yes, seriously). I don't care for country at all, but it is a music format that works... and sells albums. I guess Hip Hop or R&B sell too because that's all you see on every music awards show these days. I watched the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night and I didn't know 80% of the acts... and I'm 34!

So what's going on here? Is it because labels all basically suck now and don't support their talent or put money behind them? Is it because artists can just make their own albums with a laptop and release via Facebook so there isn't a big marketing machine? Is it really because people just steal music? I'll be honest, all the people I know in real life buy music - none of my friends steal. Maybe it's because we're a little older, all grew up actually buying tapes and CDs and really appreciate music.

If an album came out today that sounded like, say, Hysteria, would it be successful? Would it reach a RIAA Diamond status like the real Hysteria? People say it's impossible to even go platinum these days, but that isn't true. Plenty of new acts have done it. Lady Gaga is a great example. She sort of came out of nowhere and made her own way. Then again, she's commercial pop, had a huge label pushing her and radio went "gaga" over her debut and subsequent tunes.

So do people REALLY want current music to sound like 1988 Whitesnake or not? Or is it just us rockers that know and appreciate real music (and talent)?


'Ride Like the Wind' versus 'Ride the Wind'

Last night, Christopher Cross' "Ride Like the Wind" popped randomly into my head. The track is amazing and features Michael McDonald, too. So picture it: I'm going about my business, humming the tune and then my mind wandered to Poison's "Ride the Wind." So then I decided to mentally compare the two. Most folks know that "Ride the Wind" is my favorite Poison song. But I've always loved "Ride Like the Wind" and I think the lyrics are better in general. I've seen both acts live -- I'll give the edge to Poison in that department, but really there's no arguing with Cross' voice -- he was darn impressive to watch. Which do you prefer? 


'Tijuana Jail' -- New Version

Gilby Clarke just recorded a new version of "Tijuana Jail" and he made a new video too. The weather is getting warmer, seems like a great time to revist the tune!


Guns n' Roses at Rock on the Range

Rock on the Range is going down this weekend in Columbus. This is the first year in forever that I'm not at the fest. I just didn't have the time this year and quite frankly, the lineup didn't do much for me anyway. The only band I really wanted to see was GnR -- and thanks to YouTube and online reviews, I feel like I was there. Apparently, Guns did an amazing set -- Axl started on time and the band played near three hours! That's impressive considering it was really cold and rainy Friday night here in Ohio.