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Entries from April 1, 2021 - April 30, 2021


New Billy Gibbons Music

Billy Gibbons just released a new song called "Desert High." The song is from the upcoming album Hardware, due out in early June. A lot of ZZ Top fans obviously have commented on the track via YouTube. The word most fans used over and over again is "psychedelic." What do you think?


PJ Farley Announces New Music

Today, Trixter bass player PJ Farley announced some new solo music. A new song and video will be available tomorrow. A tiny snippet of the song sounds promising and catchy and I am definitely looking forward to this! Shout out to our friend Kari for sending me a message about this one!


So Now You Can Buy A $1000 Band Hoodie

High-end design house Balenciaga has teamed up with Rammstein for a merch line. I mean, if you need a thousand dollar hoodie, this is the one to get. I am baffled that Rammstein of all bands is going designer with merch, but whatever. Nothing makes sense anymore!


More Negative Tour News...

Maybe the summer of 2021 won't rock so much after all? Iron Maiden has pushed back their summer European tour to 2022. I saw that Evanescence just pushed their summer European tour back too. I don't know how the tour industry survives another summer of no shows - in Europe or otherwise.


This Happened... It Wasn't Cheap

So an anonymous buyer spent over $100k to buy the guitar Kirk Hammett used in the "One" video. I mean, this would be cool to own, but that is crazy expensive. Plus what would you do with it? Just hang it on the wall? Surely you wouldn't play this, right? Again, I just don't get collectors. #ImCheap Still, "One" remains my favorite Metallica song - and video!


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 14, 2021

Another week, another news roundup. Two big celebrity deaths topped the news over the past week. Prince Philip died at 99 and rapper DMX died at age 50. DMX leaves behind 15 children - yes, 15! - which is just amazing to me.

Today in horrible people news...

In more positive-related COVID-19 news, America continues to crush it on the vaccine front, setting new records nearly daily! I got my second vaccine on Thursday and I am very pumped.

A freak volcano eruption in St. Vincent and the Grenadines has residents evacuating the toxic smoke clouds. The volcano last erupted in 1979.

And I leave you with this anniversary:


New One To Me: Julliet

I swear I have never heard of Julliet before, but I came across them mentioned on the Hair Metal subreddit the other day. Apparently the band was signed to Enigma and released a self-titled album. I am truly baffled I have never heard of these guys before - or if I have, they did not stick with me. There is not a ton of info about them online, but all the comments I came across were pretty darn positive. A couple tracks follow:

"Eight Lives Gone"

"No More Tears"